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RSS Dalodus

Reward Points:31
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Thats not true anarchy because of basic driving rules everyone there has the experience and practice to know. now true anarchy would mean that i could run in the middle of that street with a gun and get a new car with no consequences other than a pissed off guy looking for his car and that's if i don't shoot him haha. but yea not really anarchy because if there is a wreck then the party at fault will still have to pay for the others car thus providing incentive to not run over the pedestrians or the smaller vehicles. It's more of an example of capitalism in the fact it deals with incentives.

Our normal road system would more closely represent socialism.

1 point

Really lets look at the simple most basic concept in morality. Not eating each other.Well if you look at the chimpanzee (which are omnivorous) they will eat other monkeys but not each other. this may seem like it doesn't take morals but it really is one of the founding parts of morality not to resort to cannibalism.

1 point

Not necessarily there is no evidence supporting that claim. I would say more but I think I'll wait for your response.

1 point

People are very social creatures as are most apes and surviving as a social creature in wild without sharp claws or teeth and not a incredible amount of strength one would tend to rely on those around you. Basically what I'm trying to say is that due to a reliance on those around you and a life or death need to maintain a trust with and of those around you in order to stay in the group and increase your chances of survival (via Darwinism). so an underlying morality to your behavior would increase your chances to survive.

If you do not believe that behavior can be manipulated with genes, watch this video and please read the description.................

Belyaev Experiment
1 point

its not funny or raciest... its just Morgan freeman ordering chicken... what? black people eat chicken. who cares so do white people

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