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RSS Dwheel465

Reward Points:20
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You say this like it's not or hasn't happened in capitalist America. Only it's worse because the workers can't go on strike because the companies can just wait them out. And come on, our government is different than the governments in Europe. It's not like we would be throwing out the Constitution.

1 point


1 point

For the corporate masters. And after the switch it would be better. Much better.

1 point

And yet you were just arguing that a pinch was hell to go through.

1 point

Fine, it's like losing one penny out of a bucket of thousands. The pinch would be the switch to socialism, because who would want to lose absolute power? After that, then a penny out of a bucket.

2 points

I think you are right, that socialism has to come from capitalism, but that doesn't mean that it will bring the government down. What happened in other counties, was that they went right to communism, and then a dictatorship. When people finally found out they were being horribly controlled, of course they revolted.

1 point

I think the recession is proof enough. The corporate masters completely control wall street, and we don't have a choice in economic matters right now. We never have, and we never will under capitalism.

1 point

The grade argument at the top of the page doesn't work. It only represents the socialist economy, not its ideals as a whole. The ideals are better and sure, the economy sucks, but if you can tell me that the recession wasn't even a little bit caused by capitalism, then.... wow.

1 point

The soviet union was definitely communist... and socialism isn't communism, I think that much people can agree on.

1 point

We have to take a chance sometimes. Obama doesn't have absolute power. The sure path may not be the good path, even if the unsure one isn't either.

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