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RSS Joebuteau

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Perhaps we need to change the beginning of our constitution to "You", the people and "we" the government. "You", the people often hear about the disconnect between "we", the government and ourselves but to have the arrogance to exempt themselves from the laws they pass that "you" the people must abide by is sickening at best. Are they subject to the new health care bill-no- exempt; do they go to jail for insider trading like Martha S. no- exempt(Scott Brown and others got this changed for a brief period but it got quietly tacked on to another bill and is now OK if you are in congress, you still go to jail.) Congress needs to be subject to all the laws you are. There can not be a "we" the government that lives by a different set of laws and if we don't like something "we" pass we just exempt ourselves from it. After 22 years in the military and when I reach 65 I will quality for tricare + as a supplemental plan(it is what congress gets after being elected to 2nd term I believe-4yrs vs 22 seems fair. In order to appreciate what "you" the people go through on a daily basis "we" the government should have no more in the way of benefits than the average American so they can better understand what you must deal with as a result of their legislation. I vote for no person who has served more than two terms for I believe term limits are necessary to insure that our elected officials do not loose touch with the people they represent and can focus on governing vs getting re-elected. It's time we stood up and said enough is enough, start acting like the "adults" we thought you were, focus on governing fairly, and pass legislation that requires all government workers to be subject to all the laws that are passed just as you are. Then, perhaps, we can again inch our way back to "We" the people without having to have a special subset of the government with a different set of laws, rights and privileges.

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About Me

"Retired Army LTC; Physical Therapist"

Biographical Information
Name: Joseph Buteau
Gender: Male
Age: 73
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 02652
Education: College Grad

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