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RSS Killaz

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Good idea. I have forgotten to jack off to my dog. Thanks for reminding me, Mr. Hitler. Time for you to moan through the window but don't get arrested for ugliness though.

1 point

Your statement has exceptions. Men are men only in certain conditions. Women are women when they better stay at home looking after the children, cleaning the house and cooking. Men are men when they get a job and take the responsibility of their families.

But then this is not a rule you can make. If the woman wants to have a job and if the man wants to stay at home, with intelligent discussion between both sides, it'll create a better lifestyle than just saying "Men are men and women are women" without clarifying my statement. I'm not a feminist, but I'm anti-sexism. And yes, there is a difference.

1 point

Great, so you are basically insulting homosexuals, saying that they are stupid and denying the fact that they have a different sexual orientation than you, denying epi-genetic marks and environmental influences on each person's sexuality JUST because you seem to be a straight person only attracted to your opposite sex. But, I'm not going to go into the homosexuality subject because it's irrelevant to the current subject.

Secondly, you are simply saying that gender discrimination doesn't exist because of how you will discipline your children? This is also very irrelevant and pointless. Fact is gender discrimination exists everywhere and there are million of things that are considered sexist. When the US army forces prevents females from engaging in shootouts EVEN if they have a reason which is of course females are generally physically less stronger than males, it's considered sexist. I don't care if you are worried about the females joining the army but I think they are ready to serve their country and they expected to go to Afghanistan. What else is sexist? It's not really only about rape and such.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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