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RSS Mateenjamri

Reward Points:10
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Since nobody was living there (the only structure was an old fort), I believe it belonged to no one. Hence, the land was unused and deserted. China only used it for convenience (and by my standards, putting a road, to help save travelling people's time, isn't 'claiming' the land). Furthermore, India could also have used it (maybe also to build roads for convenience?)

1 point

The right of claim over the disputed territory of Aksai Chin was neither India or China. However, India should not have reacted harshly and critically towards China building a highway across Aksai Chin (which was for convenience of travelling to and fro Tibet and Sinkang). This resulted in a war which was inconvenient for both sides (who would want to fight in a war?). Furthermore, India could have also shared the land if both parties were willing to cooperate.

2 points

War is a negotiating approach, but not a goal. Similarly, China's decision to fight back against India in the 1962 border war was to strike a peace with its neighbor. Therefore, while fighting with the Indian troops, China constantly urged the Indian government to end the conflicts and solve the border issue on the negotiating table.

4 points

China initially tried to avoid military confrontation, out of respect to India's ancient culture and sympathy that it had suffered a similar painful past of oppression by colonial powers. However, India's persistent provocation eventually breached China's bottom-line, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was forced to join the battle in self-defense

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