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RSS Noyield

Reward Points:1
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2 points

The college professor 'experiment' with his students does not accurately represent socialism and its ideas. Of course it isn't fair for the A students and they would be less motivated. How bout this instead...

Student A has good loving parents who support his eduction. They have money so that they can afford private tutors. They make sure that their son/daughter studies every night and does not get distracted. Student A of course generally gets good grades because he has all the opportunity and tools he needs.

Student B comes from a broken home. Lets say he doesn't know his father and his mother works two jobs to pay the rent. His parents don't put alot emphasis on education. His mom obviously cannot afford tutors. Though student B is smart and if channelled properly could get as good of grades as Student A, he simply doesn't have the opportunity that Student A has.

Is this fair for Student B? He/She doesn't get to pick his environment. We're all to a certain extent products of our environment. Socialism aims to give Student B more opportunity and a framework for he/she to exceed.

A social democracy can work. Its worked in Europe for hundreds of years. Despite what you hear in the media, Europes economy is vibrant and growing. Their GDP is larger than the US and China combined. The cost of living in Europe is about the same as that in the US. And there are more fortune 500 companies in Europe than there are in the US.

This is really about the elites dislike for progressive taxes. They do not feel that they should have to pay more. Ever since Regan began cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans and degregulating, wages for you and I have stagnated, and the gap between the rich and middle class has risen dramatically.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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