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RSS Seditionist

Reward Points:2
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1 point

It's amazing what people are capable of. Why do we get so immersed in the ugly stuff? Awesome video!

2 points

Some interesting takes on this thread, for sure. But, I think there's some misunderstanding. First, being a huge MLK fan, I have to say I think some folks didn't get MLK. Some people do see him as a black activist, but MLK didn't promote only black rights. His vision was a world of true equality where blacks didn't yet have the same rights as some others. It's an important difference. MLK promoted peaceful social change and love rather than division and anger.

Feminism is by definition sexist. Equality isn't. The flaw began in the very beginning of the movement where blame was assigned to men for the social condition of the time. The movement was spun in the women as victim model. Women share equal responsibility for socialization, and we socialized everyone to put women on a pedestal. Women were shut out of the workplace? Modern spin. Women were privileged. Affluence was defined by pampering women. Men were taught to treat women as their most prized "possession" and to cherish that possession and ease every discomfort. Heck, women were even the direct socializing agents. So, women socialized women to be "inferior" and men to be "superior"? Well, actually that's just lazy thinking. Inferior/ superior positions grew as definitions superimposed over the social strata at a point later in time. The world certainly wasn't cast that way. The world was cast into ROLES by men and by women, and like many things good intentions led to a bad result--OR, simply outlived their usefulness.

I love that society (to forget many men aided in the fight for women's rights is just another example of sexism) made a social change in response to changing conditions. I personally love modern women who are in some ways liberated and am frustrated with some of the areas where they still need to break free. The movement has also liberated men of some negatives, though men still fight sexism every day and it goes unrecognized by choice (therein lies the sexism, eh?). But, we're all changing, and that's ok.

Unfortunately, political correctness has become so burdensome to real social change. It's disingenuous and it's dismissive. How does that lead to positive social change? Change is actually obstructed when people won't let go of the power of the psychological manipulation inherent in political correctness. Change becomes a battle where I must win my equality from you, implying that you're withholding equality from me when you're actually not. It's an unfortunate mindset to social "evolution" or "progress"--especially when the biggest fight for change is within ourselves. MLK sought cooperation, and I believe in doing so, he provided the example for harmonious social change without traumatic conflict. Weird. It's almost un-human-like. Simply understand--hmmmm...

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