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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 True. (7)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (10)

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jolie(9809) pic

Abortion has never been about CHOICE

Abortion is about ESCAPING the consequences of your choices by taking away ALL CHOICES away from  another individual.


Side Score: 11

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 15
1 point

We get it. You don't want men forced to pay child support. Why do you keep finding different ways to say it?

Side: True.
1 point

I agree. The choice happens pre-abortion.

Side: True.

I believe that a baby is its own individual and should not be aborted except in life or death situation after 18 days after conception, because the heart starts beating.

Side: True.

One chooses to have an abortion, so obviously it is, to a degree, about choice.

Additionally, as I am sure you know, those who disagree with you on abortion do not consider the fetus to be an "individual".

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

those who disagree with you on abortion do not consider the fetus to be an "individual"

i really can't understand the relevance of this when the fetus undeniably has the potential to become an individual

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
4 points

i really can't understand the relevance of this when the fetus undeniably has the potential to become an individual

Eggs and sperm have the potential to become individuals, but we do not consider them individual humans. People differ on where they draw the distinction.

Side: True.
1 point

But, where is your evidence that the foetus is not an individual? Here is my evidence:

Side: True.

Sometimes abortion isn't about escaping the consequences, but rather dealing with them in a way you see most fit.

You shouldn't have a baby as a consequence for your wrongdoings.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

The term choice refers to the choice to get an abortion. People who are pro-choice believe that that choice should be available.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I find abortion is only a problem for religious people and as everyone knows religion as no place in a persons choice it's down to the individual to choose what they wish to do . Just like people wish to smoke . Just as they wish to vote .

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Abortion is, more often than not, a necessity. Few women WANT to abort a fetus. Few women in poverty WANT to bring another human into the poverty THEY are suffering through.

My first wife was in another position. We had two girls, 5 & 8. Her doctor felt she would not survive a full term pregnancy. He requested an abortion authorization from the single (Catholic) doctor who had been given the authority by the state to okay abortion. He declined! Our doctor performed an un-authorized abortion in his office. My wife had two more years with her daughters, and I will always be thankful to our doctor.

THE "CHOICE" MUST BE THERE! I f religions get their way "just a little bit", they WILL take it all the way! Once the baby is born, "It's gods will if the mother dies, and, except for those few individuals who work diligently for the church, most of the Christians of America will say: "Just get off welfare you lazy bastards! I'm not paying for you to have another welfare baby! (Like the one I insisted you complete last year)! Still, we believe men have rights with their women, and the women should not have birth control... (especially if they can't afford it on their own!) Oh, and Planned Parenthood should be shut down so they can't get it for free! So they HAVE to bring another welfare baby into the world .... so GOD can take care of it, by maybe taking it to heaven .... so WE wont have to pay for it! Can you spell: "Christian Hypocrisy"!?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Let's take religion out of the equation.

Let's take necessary abortions out of the equation.

Given what is left, are those people just trying to ESCAPE the consequences of their choices by taking away ALL CHOICES away from another individual?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I'm all for taking religion out of the equation. It is religion that wants to take necessity out of the equation! What is left is the return of bodies to alleys! Many are too young to remember those! To remember that before Roe v Wade the daily news was not about gun deaths, it was about dead fetuses and teenagers found after "coat hanger abortions" and any other crude method the back room abortionists came up with! Christianity can be SO cruel!

Support Planned Parenthood! The alternative is a return to slaughter!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!