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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Smart and plump Dumb and skinny
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Smart and plump (7)
 Dumb and skinny (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Back in the 1950's, women had brains and a fuller figure. Which do you prefer?


Smart and plump

Side Score: 7

Dumb and skinny

Side Score: 3

OK..., maybe Cosmo is not a good gauge of how our society has changed..., or maybe it is ;)

Side: Smart and plump

I don't know how to reply to this debate, Joe. Being skinny is not necessarily a sign of health or stupidity, and neither is having a full figure a sign of poor health or high intelligence.

My potato brain hurts.

Side: Smart and plump
1 point

Hahahahahaha I'm totally with this post here.

Side: Smart and plump

The message I'm trying to get across is that the media is putting tremendous pressure on women to be sex crazed (instead of smart) and super thin (instead of normal size).

In other words, this side of the debate is for people who prefer real women over plastic women.

Side: Smart and plump
1 point

.... I don't know where I fit into this equation. lol I don't know if I'm skinny or plum. But I do know I'm not stupid >.> Soooo.... Yep.

I prefer a smart woman though, more fun to talk to.

Side: Smart and plump

The message I'm trying to get across is that the media is putting tremendous pressure on women to be sex crazed (instead of smart) and super thin (instead of normal size).

In other words, this side of the debate is for people who prefer real women over plastic women.

Side: Smart and plump
1 point

I prefer curvy women but all women can be sexy if they ignore the image they are told by the media they should be. So skinny women can be as sexy as curvy women and vice versa as long as that is the shape they are meant to be, too many women obsess about being skinny because that is the image thrust uoon them by the media they become walking skeletons.

Side: Smart and plump

i like em dumb cuz then i can make em smarterer

Side: Dumb and skinny

Women were just as smart and dumb back then, only difference is men now have this whole "yeah, I'm smarter than you fetish" that most girls curve to...

Side: Dumb and skinny

I prefer Hayley Williams over the other girl. But I don't think Hayley Williams is dumb....

Also, I thought women of the 50s were more submissive compared to the women today?

Beginning in the 1950s, society began to pressure women to move away from the image of “Rosie the Riveter”, to a more domestic image represented by such celebrities as Debbie Reynolds and Doris Day. The “perfect woman” demonstrated a new blend of sexuality, ignorance, and naivete, which was all over the media. Society pushed to persuade the American woman to a more domestic lifestyle and away from a professional life.

Supporting Evidence: Women of the 1950s (
Side: Dumb and skinny