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Yes, they're prudish No, the little perverts
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:38
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 Yes, they're prudish (13)
 No, the little perverts (11)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Can teens be scared straight about sending nude photos to each other?

Teens send nude pics to one other, face kiddie porn charges

There are a number of reasons to think twice (or three times, or four times, or fifty times) before sending a nude photo of yourself to someone electronically. But, if you're under the age of 18, there's at least one big, glaring, serious reason: you and the recipient could be charged with trafficking child pornography. If you think this sounds crazy, it is exactly what happened in Greensburg, Pennsylvania after two teenage girls send nude photos to some teenage boys.

Two girls from Greensburg, who police say are "14 or 15" years old, allegedly sent nude photos to two boys who are slightly older than them (16 or 17) using their cell phones. The photos were discovered in October after one of the youngsters was caught using a cell phone during school hours—a violation of school rules—and had the phone taken away. The photos were discovered at that time—I didn't know teachers could go snooping through your cell phone, either—and turned over to police.

Yes, they're prudish

Side Score: 21

No, the little perverts

Side Score: 15
5 points

So let me get this straight,

They want to label these kids "sexual predators" for the rest of their lives, everywhere they move, little flyers will be handed out to neighbors, they won't be able to get jobs, they'll be victims of hate crimes,

all because they were a little sexually curious?

Sounds like puritan BS to me.

Someone explain to me who the victim is in this "crime"

Side: Yes, they're prudish

The question is....can they be tried as adults?

Side: Yes, they're prudish

If they are tried as adults, are they then considered adults and thus sexually street legal? This while freaking world is so ass backwards!

Side: Yes, they're prudish
1 point

You just want to be able to see naked teeny boppers on your cell phone! Shame on you!

Side: No, the little perverts
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point


You caught me!

But really, who didn't mess around sexually before the age of 18?

They were sending the pics to eachother right?

The whole thing is ridiculous, it's perfectly natural for teenagers to have sexual feelings, and society trying to supress these, instead of educating them about safe sex, is creating a society with one huge sex complex.

It's unhealthy.

Side: Yes, they're prudish

This is fucking stupid. The laws were designed to keep adults from taking advantage of little kids. I'm not sure I understand who is being hurt in this particular scenario if the kids are taking pictures of themselves. Admitidly you would have to be an idiot to send naked pictures, but charging them with child pornography? This is a complete waste of resources. Go after the real perverts, and pedofiles not some horny teenagers.

Side: Stupid

Dude, it's going to get overturned in court. This is just the media for you. They love juicy stories like this one.

Side: Who cares

Yeah! Freaking naky teens causing all kind of trouble and wasting everyone's time! If God had intended for us to be sending nudie cutie pictures of ourselves through the air waves we would have been born naked and with a cell phone in our hands.....Uh...., Wait.....

Side: Yes, they're prudish
1 point

Yeah of course, teens should'nt send nude photos to anyone since their body is unique and is only meant for their mr/mrs right and not some stranger.

And modesty is a virtue :D

Side: Yes, they're prudish
3 points

I totally agree with you, they don't need to be doing that stuff. Mistakes are there for a reason and when you mess up, there consequences like pregnancy or a STD!

Side: No, the little perverts

It's official, our childhood innocence is quickly coming to an end. (I have no place to talk...My first experience with sex was at 15....) But I will say that I've seen a trend with drugs and sex in the last 5 to 10 years in high schools. I'd be curious to see if this hypothesis is correct.

Here is a list of articles I found:

(ps my search was for anylisis of sex and drug abuse and it was almost always linked to depression, my answer to that is; where are the parents? Link #1 )

better not to be this, but sadly it happens a lot more than we're willing to admit: Link #2

Link #3

I really don't agree with this one at all.

this one i just say duh!

Link #4

This takes into account African American children in urban settings: I say urban settings always promote increased sexuality. More people the more chance for it to happen.

Side: No, the little perverts
Side: No, the little perverts

I did read something really interesting the other day. It tracked the invention of contreceptives and it's correlation to the mind. Brings a great movie to mind: The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human. (Carmen Electra-enough said)

Side: No, the little perverts
pvtNobody(645) Disputed
1 point

Actually, it's a continual cycle. See once upon a time as soon as you could produce offspring you were encouraged (or forced in some cases) to do so. Now we're just reverting to that era of our mating habits...except that people aren't trying to produce offspring in these cases...

Side: Yes, they're prudish
1 point

It goes a little deeper than that.

Side: No, the little perverts

What is it with you kids? Cut it out!

Side: No, the little perverts
1 point

It's simply not possible. I mean really now! Who would ever believe that they could be caught with someone else's nude photos if they are a teenager? It just simply won't happen I tell you!

Side: No, the little perverts

We live in the age of technology and no one uses that technology, outside of business, more than teens do. I think it's getting to the point where cell phones for teens is just about equal with adults having them. David brings up two very important questions; who is the victim of the crime? and deems sexual curiosity, if suppressed, an unhealthy thing.

Unfortunately the victim is most likely to be the girl who sent her picture to the other person. Who knows where else that picture was sent or who saw it. Who knows if the other person, unwittingly, gave out some information on the girl. The point is that if she is found, she WILL be victimized.

All teens are curious about sex. Does that mean they all take nude pictures of themselves and send them to others? Even having the technology with which to do this, it can lead to pretty bad repercussions as was seen when the teacher, the nosy twit, confiscated that cell phone and scrolled through personal information and photos. Even though I'd slap a lawsuit on that one in a hot second that doesn't negate the absolute possibility of something untoward happening with the young girl.

While I don't think the kids are perverts, I do agree that these things should be explained to any young person who knows how to operate a cell phone and use every function known to mankind. They probably know more than most adults do about them! Be sexually curious, flirt with whomever it is you like, but use your head because a small thing like a cell phone can create a situation you hadn't envisioned in your wildest dreams. If I were a teen it would scare the crap out of me!

Side: Curiosity is normal but be careful

Actually, the boys are being charged with possession of pedophilia. The girls are charged with possession and creation of pedophilia. So the girls are getting screwed (no pun intended :).

Side: No, the little perverts
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

If I'm a father, and I have a daughter, then I do not want her taking nude pics of herself. So I would ground her or something, and try and make sure the pics are deleted.

That's the proper course of action.

And I really don't see how the boys could be blamed for recieving pics, anyone can send any pic anywhere, and there's not much the recipient can do about it.

If it turns out the boys were assholes (which we usually are) and were forwarding the pics to every address in their phones, then they should get some kind of punishment. Either way they should be told not to encourage such nude pics being taken, by parents though, and even the school maybe. But they should not be labeled pediphiles by the law.

What's going on here is ridiculous.

And why is this greesy old teacher digging through pics anyway?

Had that teacher minded his own business, and maybe worried about the U.S. being ranked toward the bottom of the industrialized world in education instead of naked little girls,

then all of this would have blown over.

The girls would have been a little embarassed for awhile, but learned a life lesson in modesty. And the boys would continue not getting laid as the zits on their faces grew redder and pussier until college.

And everyone would have lived happily ever after.

Instead, I'm taking up valuable time explaining why the whole thing is dumb.

Tax dollars are being wasted on lawyers and police.

And these kids are developing weird complexes that will probably turn them all into cuckold mimes.

All I'm saying is, sometimes kids do stupid stuff. Like if my niece falls and bumps her arm, one of two things are going to happen,

1. Adults in the immediate vicinity are going to freak out with the bandaids and coddeling, and my niece is going to spend the next hour crying up a storm, and learn to be more careful.

2. Adults in the immediate vicinity are going to try not to laugh, tell her she's fine, and distract her with goofy antics. She's not going to cry, and still learn to be more careful.

Side: cuckold mimes

You know how boys trade baseball cards? Maybe they were trading nudie pics ;)

Side: Yes, they're prudish