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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

agree, but just this once never
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:36
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 agree, but just this once (14)
 never (16)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Can we all agree, just this once, just for a week

I know that this goes against everything this site is about.  I know it goes against human nature.  But I'm tired of arguing.  Maybe that makes those who are not tired, winners.  I just want to see if it is possible for people to agree on something really meaningless (something trivial, that no one has any stake in one way or the other) for any amount of time.

agree, but just this once

Side Score: 14


Side Score: 20

Is it possible for a small community like CD to agree on something non-tangible, nonsensical, for a short amount of time? And if so...., for how long? And if not...,

Side: agree, but just this once
1 point

I think we would all agree that CD is a great place to debate, can I get an amen? :-)

Side: agree, but just this once

Amen ;)

Side: agree, but just this once
1 point

sorry if this sounds nooby but how did you get out of the 50 character minimum

Side: agree, but just this once
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I disagree.

The people here are horrible to debate with. If you disagree, they make it well-known that they think of you as an 'idiot', or some other insult.

Side: never
ricedaragh(2494) Disputed
1 point

Thats a bit rough, not everyone on here is like that. .

Side: agree, but just this once

It's sad to give it your all, to fight so hard for so long for something, and then, before reaching your goal....

Side: agree, but just this once

It is hard to see that Isner lose after that 11 hour match, but truthfully, it is difficult for him to compete considering the other guy had almost 3 days off and Isner played 3 days in a row.

Side: agree, but just this once

Yeah, they should have given him a break. Oh well...., maybe next year.

Side: agree, but just this once
1 point

Let's all agree to sleep at night. That sounds plausible.

Side: agree, but just this once
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I do not sleep at night. I sleep in the early morning hours.

Side: never

OK, we were all able to agree for 3 hours and 8 minutes. I guess Obama's hopey changey crap doesn't stand a chance of ever succeeding ;)

Side: agree, but just this once

Very well, I agree, but terms and conditions apply.


Side: agree, but just this once
1 point

aahhh your all funny. lol. I kinda see the hosts point here. It is kinda relaxing to hear once and a while to hear some piece. I just joined 4 days ago and i fell like this already. lol. Just for once something we can all agree on.

Side: agree, but just this once
2 points

NO! We cannot agree, we must disagree! Disagreeing is way better than agreeing!

Side: never
2 points

I will never agree with those liberal rat bastards.

Side: never

Never, they are almost as bad as the commies. Will no-one rid me of these turbulent commies?

Side: never

Seriously, liberals, the government loving jizz their pants treehuggers.

There, liberals, how about that name calling. Back in their face...

Side: never
2 points

Agreeing is for the weak!

Conflict is good for the soul!


Besides that, coming to a debate site to agree is like going to an MMA site to promote non-violence.

Side: never

Coming to a debate site to agree is like is like making love for virginity ;)

Side: never
1 point

This would spoil the fun! Disagreeing is showing that people care about the world and everything in it! Besides, I don't think folks like TERMINATOR and iamdavidh will ever agree on anything, especially something like this. (Ryan '12)!

Side: never
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I'm pretty sure that iamdavidh and I have agreed before, and I know that aveskde and I have at least twice agreed.

Side: never
1 point

Well, if I wanted to agree with people I wouldn't come to this site =p

Side: never
1 point

Of course it isn't possible for everyone to agree on one thing,what do you think we are? Robots? lol Plus,some people will disagree just so they can have something to argue about

Side: never
1 point

I disagree on principle with everything you have ever loved or stood for ever. Because fuck you, that's why.

Side: never
Scumbarge(116) Disputed
1 point

Suck a dick, Scumbarge. Here's this guy trying to foster some actual progress, and you have to piss on his breakfast cereal for no other reason than to take your mind off the stick wedged in your ass.

Grow the hell up.

Side: agree, but just this once
1 point

no it's so much of fun arguing!!!!!!!!! it's like fighting without feeling bad about it. that really feels good. so nope, m against you and am fighting or rather arguing that I cannot agree not even for a day.... man* I feel like the devil already }:)

Side: never
1 point

what are provocative debates for??? agreeing....

how do I get out of this minimum character issue?????????

Side: never