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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Exactly like that. Say Whaaaat?
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Exactly like that. (1)
 Say Whaaaat? (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Do you imagine the Big Bang Theory as God having one big legendary epic orgasm?

God is probably still recuperating

which is why we haven't heard from him.

Exactly like that.

Side Score: 1

Say Whaaaat?

Side Score: 4

Does that make us his little spermies ;)

Side: Exactly like that.
2 points

No you idiot! Were a midnight dump after a Taco Bell binge! .

Side: Say Whaaaat?
1 point

This has to be a must-watch for you:

Side: Say Whaaaat?

Everything outside earth looks great so we must have been the fart before the crap,that is why pluto got down graded to a little fart,that is why we dont see the pile of crap out there,we are a fart floating further away from the source or what came afterwards,maybe he hasnt crapped yet and we are floating around in a universe toilet,thats why the universe spins and we spend all this money trying to figure out whats in a blackhole,just spread your checks and look in the mirror(bend over first),all gay men have the wisdom they are trying to plug up the mini blackhole and save us all from gods asshole

Side: Say Whaaaat?