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G-Strings Boy Shorts
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 G-Strings (8)
 Boy Shorts (6)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

G-Strings or Boy Shorts?

They both look good.  Which do you prefer?


Side Score: 9

Boy Shorts

Side Score: 6
2 points

I prefer wearing a G-string. Sure, I have a gross man ass, but the way my package falls out of the front, it really makes it look like I'm packing.

Plus I love the way the my ass and calf muscles are exentuated when I wear high heels with my G-string.

Oh wait... did you mean on a girl?

I actually own some man g-string type undies, it's the most uncomfortable thing on earth, and I think I wore them once for X's birthday or something.

Side: G-Strings

OK...I admit it! I wear both, lol. A G-string is fabulous for not leaving any lines to see when you're wearing something slinky or even tight jeans. By Boy Shorts I think you mean Boxer Shorts which I sometimes wear to bed! Mine all have Disney or Looney Tunes figures on them or are crazy stripes and crazy colors plus I have all the tops for them as well. They're sooooo comfortable to just hang out at home with too. G-Strings are comfortable for me because the part that comes back upward is thin enough not to make you feel like you have a wedgie!

Side: Both For Me
1 point

when you wear a tight dress and a g-string at the same time, it doesn't make that ugly line !

Side: G-Strings
1 point

Hey, unfortunately, a g-string will still make a line across your hips with a tight dress. I found this out a lil too late after my brothers wedding... while looking at wedding pictures... haha. Best bet for a tight dress is pantyless, or those kind've gross and high-rise panties that are just a little bit bigger than boyshorts (or boyshorts might work too).

Side: G-Strings
1 point

Depends on the panty for what they score for. I mean, I wear every type of panty there is, especially loaded on both g-strings and boyshorts (though mostly tangas, they're just a lil shorter than boyshorts), and g-strings are pretty much good to wear in jeans because when I wear thicker underwear in jeans, I feel like I've got too much going on in my jeans. haha. But boyshorts/tangas are definitly wonderful under skirts, dresses, loose fitting shorts, walking about in... etc. :-)

Side: G-Strings

I can understand we're you're coming, not on a personal level but from what my friends of a female friends tell me, from on personal comfort and also for style purposes, but I believe what the debate was going into was what looked better. (longest sentence ever, lol)

Side: G-Strings
1 point

Hmm... from girls I know, that look good in each (good shape) depends upon what they are wearing, the fabric, and any message for some one in particular. G-String with shear and a great bod can be very nice eye candy. If not as fit, then the other as the bod needs support. Overall - the girls who could do either - did the G-string. A complaint was how "not soft" many of the "strings were". One opted to cut the string and add a more comfortable fabric. Same lady opted for the "C" to get rid of the string up the butt and along the waist altogether. Smooth lines everywhere - long dress with a long slit up the side and low cut back, on her - simply amazing! On guys? Don't ask me, not in to guys so no opinion there.

Side: G-Strings

Boy shorts are more versatile. If you tired of them you can wedge them up there in a pinch and create a makeshift G-string.

But really, does it matter? I mean, how long do they stay on anyway? (;

Side: Boy Shorts
1 point

They dangle just below the hips and look more kinky than a g-string.

Side: Boy Shorts

G-strings look uncomfortable.

Side: Boy Shorts
gonziiie(57) Disputed
1 point

oh, but they are.

Side: G-Strings
1 point

Def boy shorts, they look hell hot

Side: Boy Shorts
1 point

just as sexy, but more comfortable. and cleaner too. plus, they dont let it all hang out, more of a suprise, let your imagination wander.

Side: Boy Shorts

This is by far the best choice of the two. Let me divulge into the subject at hand. First off, G-strings leave nothing to the imagination. G-strings aka butt floss isn't the most attractive item. (as much as I love a wonderful butt)

Boy shorts on the other hand have this, I'm good but naughty persona about them. I love how they hang just below the curvature of the gluts. They also hold everything together quite nicely. They come in an array of colors. You can also have prints on them, which can have witty comments. (g-strings don't really allow the room for prints. )

The list goes on, but my vote is for Boy Shorts on Women.

Side: Boy Shorts