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Yes God exist! No God does not!
Debate Score:75
Total Votes:87
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 Yes God exist! (20)
 No God does not! (29)

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alliehnd(5) pic

God does exist and science,math, and logic cn prove it!

You can do it using Pi (3.14), the pryamids, ancient skelletons, Orion's nebula, and also by biblical predictions. Example Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the Earth, and its people were like grasshoppers. He stretches the heavens out like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent.  Job26:7 He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth upon nothing.
This is impossible knowledge in biblical days! And as we know the universe is constantly expading outward, if God is the same today as He always will be forever and ever than what force can stop Him from spreading the norther skies, sounds like the law of physics to me! we use math to build everything, the very fact that the circle exist and its formula goes on for ever and ever means God exist. 
Why? becase eternity extends both ways into the past and future meaning that 3.14 yeilds the formula to all shapes. Ever tried layering all shapes on top of on another and connect eh verticies and edges with a line? Makes a circle right? 3 is the only absolute in the equation, and after that eternity follows (the unknown). 3 represents the Holy Trinity, .14 etc. =eternity.
 If the circle exist here and is the equation for all other shapes as well as shapes that we have never seen than where are these shapes! Heven duh! lol 

Yes God exist!

Side Score: 34

No God does not!

Side Score: 41
3 points

My main question is, What do you consider GOD? Are we talking about "religions" GOD(S), or just a supreme being/creator?

Side: Yes God exist!
3 points

Well .. I really do not believe that science can prove God .. because science has no ability to examine that which is in another demention .. God's domain .. where time does not exist . . .


HOWEVER .. what science can prove .. is that all forms of life are triune and derive their origin from an intelligent source .. apply that intelligence to who soever you will . . . let me know if you wish to learn more .....

Side: Yes God exist!
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Demention? Sounds kind of demented.

Side: Yes God exist!
MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
1 point

Clarification? What do you mean by "all forms of life are triune"?


all forms of life... derive their origin from an intelligent source

Science has yet to prove that at all.

Side: No God does not!
dadman(1703) Clarified
2 points

"all forms of life are triune" . . . would you agree with me that all forms of life possess DNA ..... y/n

Side: Yes God exist!
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

sure they have ... all life = matter / energy and .... (you fill in the blank) there is a third element

Side: Yes God exist!
1 point

Yes God does exist. History itself,proves of Jesus' existence. If they go on YouTube & look up the video,Jesus & The Lost 40 Days. In that documentary,it shows blood samples of His DNA,& outside resources of the bible that acknowledge His existence as well. Many people have stated they went to Hell. Dreams by themselves,dont cause pain, & you have to be awake to hallucinate so neither of those happened.

Also,if anyone researches this, they'll know that crimes got higher when the Ten Commandments & prayer got removed from our schools. That alone,should tell you something. The bible predicted that Israel would once again become a nation, & it happened in 1948. If anyone wants to mention that did it, should do their research on the book of Daniel.

Side: Yes God exist!
priscent(4) Disputed
1 point

History obviously proves what is true and what is false, but you assumed that Jesus was already into existence therefore history has proven the legitimacy of your argument. Your claim doesn't provide any hard evidence, and using YouTube as a resource makes it even less convincing. Removing the ten commandments and prayer from school may have increased crime, but that doesn't prove the existence of a god. Yes the bible does teach appropriate morals for society to abide by, but why does that have to be incorporated with the acceptance of God or Jesus?

Side: No God does not!
Nomoturtle(857) Disputed
1 point

actually through math, although quite hard to conceptualise, has been able to calculate and explain objects in multiple spatial dimensions. something string theory is quite thankful for

Side: No God does not!
0 points

You posted on the wrong side.

Side: No God does not!
Hitler(2364) Disputed
2 points

Read the second part.

Side: Yes God exist!
2 points

If man evovled from apes, how come we didn't see apes turn into humans? Evolutionist say that because it doesn't happen overtime. However, people do pass away overtime as well as apes. So in other words,we didn't evolve from apes.

Side: Yes God exist!
MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
2 points

Why do you think it should happen more than once? There is nothing in evolution to say that other apes should follow the same path, and a lot of reasons why they are extremely unlikely to.Different environments and even differing ecological niches within one environment will cause different life forms to emerge. Also, each species has its own distinctive DNA, and that's not even counting the random aspect of mutation. We will almost certainly never see ANY species evolve more than once.

All of that being said, there used to be numerous species that were incredibly similar to us, but they went extinct long ago.

Side: No God does not!
QuestionMan(604) Disputed
1 point

If man evovled from apes, how come we didn't see apes turn into humans

The theory is that we evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years.

Side: Yes God exist!
2 points

I'm proof of God's existence. He saved me from several Grand Mal seizures. You can't give air into someone who has seizures,just put them on the side. So in other words,the doctors didn't save me. I was also stuck in the in bathroom twice. 1 time,I was in a restaurant, & another I was at my apartment both bathrooms were very small & my head hit either the sink or toilet in the restaurant & my mom stated to me,my head hit the tub, while I was in the bathroom in my Apt. I'm 6'1 & my the tub was shallow,so it was a miracle I wasn't at least paralyzed.

A guy named Nasir Saddiki stated he had a disease on his face. The docs told him he had no hope. They told his wife that if he "lived" he would be a vegetable. He later stated he had an encounter with Jesus & accepted Him as his Lord & Savior.

He even had a picture of the disease of his face in an interview with Sid Roth.

Side: Yes God exist!
1 point

Where is my healing? It is a slap in the face to watch other people be blessed while I get table scraps.

Side: No God does not!
1 point

God existed in all civilizations,and science can prove that.

Side: Yes God exist!
2 points

If all civilizations created God, He suddenly exists? Don't think so.

Side: Yes God exist!

Great, post the proof. .

Side: Yes God exist!
1 point


Side: Yes God exist!
3 points

Your text goes off to the side for me. This is proof that God doesn't exist.

Side: No God does not!
1 point

What if the Bible was the same way?

"And God said, let there be....Oh... Uhhh, Jesus? Yeah, let there be Jesus!"

Side: No God does not!
3 points

It did.

On page: God created the heavens and the Earth

Off Page: through the Big Bang.

On page: And He saw it and it was good...

He created all of the animals of the sea and flying creatures

Off page: through the process of evolution starting with the first microorganism that branched off to make sea creatures that were able to change through time.

On page: And He saw it and it was good.

He created the creatures on the land to work in the fields

Off page: using evolution to cause the sea creatures to grow legs and walk out of the ocean and adapt to land over time.

On page: And He saw it and it was good.

Then He created man in his image using the dust of the Earth

Off page: well, sort of. Humans still come from animals through evolution, but the first microorganisms came from the "dirt", so essentially man came from dirt eventually.

On page: And on the seventh day He rested.

Off page: You know, if you can call playing video games resting.

Side: No God does not!
Spiderman(4) Disputed
2 points

In Genesis 1:39 it says lets make man in Our own image. Who was He talking too when He said that. Anyone who has studied on Lucifer became Satan,knows He wasn't talking to them. He was talking to Jesus.

Side: Yes God exist!
1 point

God is a myth,and myth can't be proved by math,so simple.

Side: No God does not!

Actually just because his text fly off into the unknown blank area over there I have to agree with you.

Side: No God does not!
0 points

Right? If God existed He would definitely have all the text appear.

Side: No God does not!

If God exists where was He when I got my mental illnesses? Nowhere. I want my freedom and I want it now. I will get my healing by any means neccessary.

Side: No God does not!
Spiderman(4) Disputed
3 points

Jesus said that man was blind. Why,was it because he sinned or his parents sinned. No it was to show how mighty God is.

Side: Yes God exist!
dadman(1703) Clarified
2 points

unbelief investigates a miracle ..... I love this story .. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world .. not only to give light .. but sight to those who could not behold light . . . the sight that he gives to trusting souls proves him to be the one sent of God to be the true light of the world . . . experience of his saving power is a safer teaching than reason .. therefore let those whose eyes have been opened be bold to witness to a world that would explain away his power . . . . Christ came into the world designedly to give sight to those that were spiritually blind .. by his Word and Spirit to turn many from darkness to light .. he came also that those who had a high conceit of their own wisdom .. in contradiction to the divine revelation .. might be sealed up in their infidelity . . . the Gospel is a savor of life unto life .. or of death unto death .. blindness has happened to Israel . . . the Gentiles have seen a great light

Side: Yes God exist!
1 point

Two questions: 1. Why did you downvote my freedom of speech? 2. Im tired of dealing with my mental disabilities.

Side: No God does not!

I did not understand a thing you were saying...

Side: No God does not!
1 point

God is and always will be unproveable, however, so are all the other gods. What makes you think that the christian god is the one that can be proved? Also why do you treat the bible like its absolute fact? there is no way to know if the events that occurred in that book were witnessed or thought of or just misinterpreted.

Side: No God does not!
1 point

a little aside from the topic, but if to be posted on a side, it would be here. i don't understand how people who put their trust and faith in a god can believe that no other religion is right, despite similar people leading similar lives with similarly unshakeable faiths to other gods. any argument related to religion can be heard in so many other cultures... "our ancient book told us so" "because god loves us" "because they saved us from evil" "because they have a special place for us" are they simply incapable of empathy? arrogant? or is there something i am missing?

Side: No God does not!
1 point

religion without science is lame. Science with Religion is........

Side: No God does not!