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Sure, what could go wrong? Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Sure, what could go wrong? (4)
 Wait..., what? No! (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is the American Dream worth the struggle?

Is it worth our freedom, our souls, or the time we have on this earth?

The establishments that make up our country also created the American Dream; they told us what we should want and gave us the (often quite rigged) rules of how to get it.

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate, so we can buy shit we don’t need. We were raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t.

Sure, what could go wrong?

Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 15
1 point

Oh, Joe! The American Dream isn't "buying shit we don't need", it's being ABLE to MAKE something of yourself. To EARN the right (and ability) to "buy that shit". Millions have used that freedom to help "Make America Great", since long before Reagan even said that (and even longer before Trump pillaged the phrase ;-).

Your question makes me wonder …. are you saying AMERICA "isn't worth the struggle"?? There's a lot of that going around, today, (being helped along by this kind of thought …. and Russian internet divisiveness being sucked up by those who never SAW America when it WAS great! (Not perfect, but MUCH greater than now)! We need more positives right now, there is enough negative coming from the newly populated "swamp"! Getting rid of the stench from THAT is "worth the struggle"! ;-)


Side: Sure, what could go wrong?
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

But ROAD ISLAND AL you worked for 3 CORPORATIONS and that is a PROBLEM ?????????

Side: Wait..., what? No!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

RUSSIANS still invade the WEAK MIND of ROAD ISLAND AL and his world will never be complete until GOVERNMENT controls all of HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Wait..., what? No!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I can see why you like Trump. You make up phony stories about imaginary problems that don't have any relationship to anything realistic or true. "Birds of a feather …." ya'know. Not even a nice try. ;-)

Side: Sure, what could go wrong?
1 point

Is the American Dream worth the struggle?

..they told us what we should want and gave us the (often quite rigged) rules of how to get it.

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate, so we can buy shit we don’t need. We were raised by television to believe that someday we’ll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won’t.

Hello Joe:

I dunno, Joe.. The okee doak you bought ISN'T the American Dream.. In fact, as you noted, it's a recipe for failure.

Fortunately, the people who told me how to get it were RIGHT. It's 2 simple rules, really.. Pay yourself 1st, and take advantage of compound interest.. Fancy cars weren't mentioned. If you do it right, you can retire at around 42, and live the rest of your life quite comfortably..

I read ALL of Napoleon Hills books and took his success course. The ONE thing I took away from his course is embodied in the following poem:

I bargained with Life for a penny,

and Life would pay no more,

However, I begged at evening,

when I counted my scanty store..

For Life is a just employer,

it gives you whatever you ask,

but once you have set the wages,

why you must bear the task..

I worked for a menials hire,

only to learn, dismayed,

that ANY wage I had ASKED of Life,

Life would have willingly paid.


Side: Sure, what could go wrong?
1 point

fortunately, the people who told me how to get it were RIGHT. It's 2 simple rules, really.. Pay yourself 1st, and take advantage of compound interest..

In other words the Conservative position.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

In other words the Conservative position.

Hello bront:

Nahh... My mom WASN'T conservative - just SMART.


Side: Sure, what could go wrong?
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

BUSINESS MAN you do not like the AMERICAN DREAM ?????? So SUPER STUPID you retired at 42 but claim to be 74 ?????? Damn BOY you LIE much !!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!

Side: Wait..., what? No!

The world doesn’t owe you shit. So stop listening to advertising agencies; be yourself, and you’ll be free. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!
2 points

This is rich coming from a capitalist on multiple levels.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
2 points

The American dream is there awaiting for anyone and everyone who is prepared to fight for it.

Those with ambition, ability, enterprise, durability, vision and a burning desire to win will find their pot of gold in the great United States of America.

Resentful bellyachers will continue to spew out their anti-capitalist drivel in the hope that their self-pitying rhetoric will mask the truth for their failure.

These moronic, brain dead idlers have perfected the way to blame the system, the financial institutions and even poor wee Mrs, Mc Dooky for their life's failure without recognizing that it is they, and they alone who are the architects of their own character deficiencies.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
Bootstrap(226) Disputed
1 point

The American dream is there awaiting for anyone and everyone who is prepared to fight for it.

Lol. Your naivety is absolutely precious. I almost want to tickle your chin and feed you cookies. Why is it that Americans don't ever grow out of children's stories?

Side: Sure, what could go wrong?
1 point

The children's story is:

1)you need the government to hand you just enough to survive.


2)ignore people born into no wealth who became wealthy.

Side: Wait..., what? No!

Is the American Dream worth the struggle?

Depends what you mean by the "American dream".

Side: Wait..., what? No!

Unbridled Capitalism is like a child who will take anything he can, with no regard for others. Pure Socialism (communism) will stifle individuality, thus limiting progress to some extent. But, socialist societies can accomplish innovation, but maybe slower than capitalism. Also, socialism requires a “tribal” or common ideology (or religion) to motivate individuals where capitalism can accomplish big things with a mixed ideology/religion.

The real sweet spot is a combination- big things like medicine (life necessity) should be social. But I always want TVs and cars, etc to be open market.

Our schools are paid by taxes - do u think medicine is less important?!?!?!?! Think about it

I mean we COULD make individuals pay for private education for their kids! Then the poor would be guaranteed to remain uneducated! NO ?

Side: Wait..., what? No!