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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Let us play WHAT IF


Fractals includes the idea of a detailed pattern that repeats itself at every scale.


What IF God was that thing just before the Big Bang?  What if He blew Himself up for whatever reason (i.e., maybe due to the tension between the desire to embrace Himself and the desire to fill the vacuum of space)?  And what if He was a fractal and our "soul" is just a piece of God that is a smaller representation of His larger self (i.e., created in His own image)?  This scenario may explain why, seemingly unsentient, pieces of matter (the stuff in the periodic table) assemble themselves (either by chance or some other force) in such a way to become sentient AND have the potential capacity of understanding itself.  It's almost as if a book spontaneously developed the ability to not only read itself but also write itself.

Maybe the goal/desire of some of these "souls" is not only to reproduce but to spread life throughout the entire universe.  

Maybe the goal/desire of some of the other souls is to reintegrate back into the whole.  A person can feel lonely in a full auditorium because those other people can not experience/feel what that individual is experiencing/feeling.  A group can all experience the same event and each individual can walk away with a very different perception of what he just witnessed.  Humans seem to love the feeling of being connected. 

Maybe the damage sustained by my brain during the 60's was far worse than I had anticipated ;)

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Maybe the title of this debate should have been, Let us play WTF? ;)

Maybe this is what happens when I find pictures from a source other than uberhumor ;)

I'm content with just the "reproducing" part ;)

1 point

Next you will be telling us that the big bang was God's way of giving the universe a facial.

Maybe the damage sustained by my brain during the 60's was far worse than I had anticipated

Whatever gave you that idea? It is completely obvious the 60's did effect you. Remember those commercials of an egg frying.

1 point

What if you just waited for a coherent thought before posting. Just sayin.

I was not fully awake ;)

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Hey unconscious is MY excuse.

This scenario may explain why, seemingly unsentient, pieces of matter (the stuff in the periodic table) assemble themselves (either by chance or some other force) in such a way to become sentient AND have the potential capacity of understanding itself.

Why the nearly 10 billion year delay? Do the fragments of God's soul need to age like fine whiskey?

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Why the nearly 10 billion year delay? Do the fragments of God's soul need to age like fine whiskey?

Is this a delay, or the amount of time such would typically take? Is it possible this is actually quite fast for the phenomenon in question? Is 10 billion years a particularly significant period of time by any standard other than our own?

I mean, without having other examples of the scenario in question to compare, we can't really speculate as to its timeliness- and the only scale of time we have to judge the significant of 10 billion years by is our own, so speculating as to how 'long' that is to a hypothetical being (almost certainly operating on a completely different time scale) is similarly flawed.

I'm not sure.

I just wanted to make a lame whiskey joke :P

1 point

Let's get one thing straight, there is no what ifs with God. It's either you believe or you don't and let me tell you for a girl like me who was adopted from Haiti at the age of 9 and I am now 15. In those 6 years I can give you real evidence that God is real and he created the world. I know because He speaks to me all the time.

Can you ask Him if I made the right choice? He'll know what I mean ;)

joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

Please write back and let me know what His response was. Thanks, ;)

1 point

I would ask,but you need to talk to God yourself and I can't fix or ask him if whatever choice you made was right or not.

I am not looking for a fix. I am looking for a "yes" or "no" answer. ;)

1 point

Okay tell me what choice it is and I can help you but I can't asked for you. You still have to do that yourself. And by the way I am only 15 and I don't have all the answers.

The question is: "Did joe_cavalry made the right choice?"

The possible answers are: "Yes or No."

Simple ;)

1 point

Okay and if you have to ask if you made the right choice you probably didn't make the right choice. So "no" you didn't make the right choice.

Ah, but you see...., I didn't ask ;)

1 point

So basically “God of the gaps”

It’s apparent that this is all God ever was or ever will be.

As more and more discoveries are made about the world we live in through the use of science the belief in a creator becomes increasingly irrelevant.

There is no shame in saying that we don’t know something; plugging “God” in to any question we haven’t answered yet is both lazy and dishonest. Our ancestors didn’t have some sort of ancient mystical knowledge about the universe, nor is such a hidden message contained within their scribblings.

It would benefit our species greatly if we were to once and for all end this fanatical search for God in things we don’t understand; its nothing but wishful thinking. I predict that until we do end this God delusion we will continue to see these whimpers of a dying breath in the form of “well maybe God is [insert some unoriginal vague description here]!”

Maybe we are God. Or maybe, we are creating God. Maybe we can't see God because we are interwoven into the fabric that is God (The old, "we can't see the forest because of the tress." argument.). ;)

1 point

You are both wrong and God is God no one create him. And Joe you were technically asking if you made the right choice. You weren't sure.

You would have either "yes" or "no" and it would have made no difference in my life ;)

1 point

Let me ask you a question? Where are you with your life right now? Do you have a relationship with Jesus?

My life is peaceful and comfortable. ;)

1 point

You're lying I can tell because no one can have a peaceful and comfortable life without troubles in it.