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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes, they do that all the time Wait..., what..., no!
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:43
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 Yes, they do that all the time (16)
 Wait..., what..., no! (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

If Liberals cannot use name calling to discredit your argument they down vote yo

If you do a pre-emptive strike and neutralize a liberal's ability to start naming calling (by pointing out that that is what they do) then they will down vote out of sheer desparation. 

Yes, they do that all the time

Side Score: 25

Wait..., what..., no!

Side Score: 9

Liberals never have a real argument against free choice, responsibility and liberty instead they resort to name calling, and that fails, yes down voting time.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time

And their namecalling arguments all get upvoted.

That's why I told you about the theorized 'gang of liberals', including Jessald, AndSoccer16, aveskde, gcomeau, and a few others. They always downvote the same type of argument (i.e. religious/non-liberal), and they upvote the others (anti-religious/non-conservative).

Side: Yes, they do that all the time

This is exactly what happened in this debate.

They knew they couldn't start the name calling crap so they started down voting.

OK, andsoccer16, you can copy and paste your response from the previous debate ;)

Oh..., and let the down voting begin ;)

or name calling ;)

Ah, the irony ;)

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
2 points

And as for Liberals and name calling, it's actually in the Liberal handbook, written by Alinsky:

Rules for Radicals

Read rule number 5.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
Scumbarge(116) Disputed
1 point

So let me get this straight. You join a site whose purpose is one of rational debate, and then attempt to paint an entire demographic of people as unable to argue without generalizing YOUR demographic, and are somehow SURPRISED when your petty baiting attempts are downvoted?

And then say that the irony lies on THE OTHER SIDE?


That sound you just heard? That was my brain exploding from the irony overload.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Rational debate? With rational arguments, I assume. You've been reading rational, well-thought out discourse between members? At this site? Really?

Or are you saying that the site promotes that? Cause I thought the purpose of this site was to get people fired up. And I think I have succeeded at that ;)

BTW, I'm not surprised that I'm down voted. I am surprised that my petty bating worked. I mean, they are fully aware of the irony I have just presented, but yet they feel compelled to justify it with a response. That sound you just heard? That was my brain exploding from the irony overload. ;)

The only reason I pick on liberals is because they feel the need to defend every perceived threat or attack to their ideology (no matter how small or ridiculous). It's like they have an inferiority complex or something. In other words, I pick on them because I get so much mileage out of them. Conservatives would just roll their eyes and move on. Probably because they are so used to the crap that liberals fling at them, they've learned that that crap carries no wait. So why defend against it ;)

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
1 point

I'll have to agree one this one, most of my arguments that receive downvotes are the ones where my view is conservative.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time

And there are so many of them that the conservatives can't keep up with the up-voting.

Even that argument got down-voted!

Just about every non-liberal argument I write gets at least one down-vote. Same with religious ones. Even arguments dealing with my personal opinion gets downvoted!

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
1 point

Name calling comes from both sides, but I've noticed that whenever I'm down voted, it's usually because a Liberal person did not like what I had to say.

I can understand down voting retarded arguments, but if it's a thought out argument, you shouldn't be down voting it just because you disagree.

I never down vote... it's gay.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
1 point

I never downvote either. Well, unless someone is clearly abusing this site. Such as using it as a medium to promote products or security scams and dating.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Well, I agree. Down voting really resorts because other than a retarded response, it is against their opinion, and they don't respect others.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
Scumbarge(116) Disputed
1 point

And you know what I consider a retarded response? "All [insert party here] do [insert derogatory generalization here]". It's not based in any logic or backed up in any way, just thrown out and forgotten, as if the mere act of saying it proved the point. The complete opposite of rational argument.

For examples, see the entire fucking previous debate.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
0 points

A near-retard will down-vote an intelligent argument because it is retarded in his mind. Hell, even this assertion is beyond the grasp of a retard and will be down-voted by the same.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
1 point

...And this entire side was just downvoted, thus proving Joe's point.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time

And they are so stupid that they don't even realize it!

The idiots!

Side: Yes, they do that all the time

That's why they are called liberals. They take the liberty to liberate debates from the pernicious influence of the conservative and/o religious.

Side: Yes, they do that all the time

Even this:

Just got down-voted!

Who'd downvote my perfectly unbiased, non-political statement that Canadians like Tim Horton's?

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
2 points

I don't know what to say but so be it Joe. Let's start some namecalling.


Now I'm sick of the conventional 'tree hugging hippie' vs. 'money hoarding hick' names, so I'm ready for some less conventional ones. Ideas anyone?

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
2 points

And all this time I thought the down votes I get are from atheist. To find out they are from fellow democrats, this is embarrassing.

This cannot be true, it has to plot formed by the Republican Party. Business as usual, for those money hunger, narrow-minded, jackasses, that are still in disbelief that a Democrat beat them in the last election.

Now who can I down vote?

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Atheism and liberalism just about goes hand-in-hand.

(P.S. For any atheist-liberal reading this, note the words 'Just about'!)

Side: Yes, they do that all the time
1 point

Even when they're not in power look at what they're able to do, they got the money to oil everythiiing ;D

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
1 point

I typically save my downvotes for fucktarded partizan generalizations. But, hey, call it what you want.


Side: Wait..., what..., no!