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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

True Wait..., What? No!
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 True (14)
 Wait..., What? No! (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Most people come to this site to be offended

Most people come here, give themselves a label, like *liberal*, then they find offensive debates bashing liberals, then they target the specific users bashing liberals, then they down vote them and leave.  Mainly because their debate skill suck and they know it.  Oh yeah, and also because liberalism is hard to defend because it lacks logic ;)

Apple customers do pretty much the same thing but mainly because they want to go back to listening to their iPod or to answer their iPhone.  Oh yeah, and also because they are easily distracted by anything that's Bling-Bling ;)

Atheist put up a good fight but that's because both sides are unable to prove or disprove beyond any doubt the existence of God.


Side Score: 15

Wait..., What? No!

Side Score: 7

The only reason I come here is to post offensive debates that get people fired up. If most people do not come here to be offended, then why am I so successful ;)

Oh, and just in case you are wondering, I used to torment ant colonies and hornet nests when I was a child. I guess I just like to stir the pot ;)

Side: True

Yeah, that is the funniest part when liberals always resort to name calling with their imperious intelligence about whata paternalistic and benevolent government is able about its discourse and equality for all.

Side: True
1 point

Yes, liberals always find one way or another to get a shot in at Palin, Bush, etc. Obama is their savior, everyone is equal, yadayadaya. The best is when they start ranting: "You watch Fox News! Glenn Beck is a big idiot! Sarah Palin has no experience! (But, of course, Obama does :D) And everyone is a TEABAGGER!"

Side: True
1 point

Maybe that and the fact that I wont have to get detention for arguing with a teacher on here. That way, I don't have to spout off in class if I can on here.

Side: True

Not me. I come here to offend.


Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

Never thought of it that way. I thought this debate site was created so we can learn from eachother, and know each ones beleifs and prospecives , notso we can all be pests.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

erased squirreled poof by bye gone vanished adios adios so long

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I see this website as a platform for a congregation of 'everymans' to find solutions to the big issues. However this never happens. Maybe because we say things like Joe does. Sure it's funny for at least half of the parties involved, but it is to no end. I really wish we could have one debate without this crazy political game. The pressing matter is the issue at hand, not the opponent of your opinion.


For instance:


The real issue: Where does life begin?

Conservative approach: "Liberals are baby killers!"

Liberal approach: "Conservatives are freedom infringers!"

Side: Wait..., What? No!

The reason we cannot have a debate with this crazy political game is because no one really knows. Do you claim to know when life really begins? Can we ever arrive at the definitive answer merely by debating the topic? It's all speculation. So we play the political game ;)

Side: True
1 point

I'll have to disagree with you there. Just because we cannot protest a definite truth doesn't mean we can't find a middle ground.

Side: True
1 point

I don't come here to offend or to get offended. I just simply come here to state my opinion on things,hoping that my opinion pisses of others and I criticize others opinions because they are all stupid xP

Side: Wait..., What? No!

If you hope that your opinion pisses other people of, then you come here to offend ;)

Side: True