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RSS Victor01

Reward Points:146
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Clearly, you have to have SEX in order to produce a life. (Or test tube babies). You have to get genes from both parents somehow.

1 point

Wow, never looked at life that way before. So technically, I am a sexually transmitted terminal disease, going on with my daily life, until one day I get together with an another sexually transmitted terminal disease to have a baby disease. Glad I have lots of time before that happens, because I am not sure how I am going to feel about having a disease baby.

3 points

I would have to agree even though I do not believe in God 100%. But my thinking is that God cannot be that dumb to be a liberal.

1 point

Maybe that and the fact that I wont have to get detention for arguing with a teacher on here. That way, I don't have to spout off in class if I can on here.

1 point

I don't know how much you earn, and I am not judging here or anything, but the facts are these:

People who got tax reduction are ones who earn a little over the poverty amount

The other people did not get benefits, in-fact they will get to pay for something they didn't get. The government is borrowing money that it doesn't have to pay for people as yourself. Meaning, I will have to pay double the taxes when the time comes to pay off the national debt. Which I am sure that you're aware of.

1 point

hmmm.....I guess my parents and I weren't part of that tax cut, how strange. Just wondering, were you in-fact part of that 95% tax cut?

1 point

Stimulus bill lowered whose taxes? The homeless? Where do you think that government was going to get all the money to cover all the people? How about the rich and the well off middle class.

You'd think you'd get something right just by sheer logic.

1 point

No he says things, its just they are all hidden with a bunch of fancy words. Many Obama supporters failed to see though what he was saying. It was clear from the start what his intentions were for the country if you listened and read between the lines.

1 point

"Yes Obama has delivered the change he promised"

Really since when? Didn't he promise to lower taxes? Take troops out of Iraq? Afghanistan?

Yes he said he would help the poor, but instead he is making America all poor except all the advisor's that work for him who are getting doubled wages.

Sure this is change from what Bush had, but its not the change he promised.

1 point

This country is a democracy, Obama and his plans are socialist. Nationalized health care for one would increase our taxes greatly,which by the way do not need to go any higher. Our national debt is currently over $12 trillion. If someone got cancer, they wouldn't be able to get treatment soon enough to cure or slow down the cancer. They would have to be put on a waiting list and pray to god that they can make it. Furthermore, America has one of the best health care programs in the world. People from all over the place come to America to get cancer treatment or surgery. Nationalized health care will get rid of all the top doctors because they are not going to want to get paid low government controlled wages.

Victor01 has not yet created any debates.

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Education: High School

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