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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True Wait..., what..., No!
Debate Score:51
Total Votes:63
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 True (15)
 Wait..., what..., No! (13)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Most liberals are atheists therefore God is a conservative

God is on the conservative side and He will strike down the liberal agenda ;)


Side Score: 31

Wait..., what..., No!

Side Score: 20

Steve Jobs is like,

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...

And God's like,

When is my iPad going to support Flash, you little Shiite!

Actually...., Steve Jobs cannot imagine a world without iCrap


Side: True
3 points

I would have to agree even though I do not believe in God 100%. But my thinking is that God cannot be that dumb to be a liberal.

Side: True

The only reason God let Obama win is so that he could pass his little health care bill and then have the Republicans undo it (when they come back to power in 2012) before it kicks in in 2014. This would demoralize the libs ;)

Side: True
2 points

Or maybe Obama is the Antichrist! God may end the world in 2012 when Obama is reelected!

Side: True
Scumbarge(116) Disputed
1 point

Or maybe he's the second coming and god will get pissed and destroy the earth when he's defeated!

Dear lord, it all makes sense now.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!

Well...., I've always thought Obama was the Antichrist ;)

Side: True

He's a fairy tale perpetuated by the clergy in order to maintain power over the masses, so yes, extant or not, He is a conservative. Odd, so am I. But then, in England we have something worth conserving.

Side: True
2 points

A liberal's god is liberal.

A conservative's god is conservative.

There are more religious conservatives than there are religious liberals.

Therefore, conservative gods outnumber liberal gods.

Side: True
2 points

While not all liberals are atheists, most atheists are liberal. Considering God is against gay marriage, abortion, and false idols (Obama :D), I would tend to agree with joe. God definitely cannot be liberal. So, yes, he is conservative.

Side: True

Atheists are like,

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today...

And God's like,

No heaven?!?!?

Why you little Shiite!


Side: True

Liberals are like,

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

and God's like,

What about Israel?!?!?

Why you little Shiite!


Side: True
0 points

Doesn't salute the flag

doesn't cross his heart when saying the pledge of allegance he's a liberal and no other liberal points that out and think it's wrong. Any questions? God must be a conservative at least somewhat!

Side: True
2 points

Atheists only make up about 9-12% of the US population, and about half of the country is liberal.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
1 point

You are led to believe half the US is liberal. Take away the false and paid for votes and you're lucky to see 30%

Side: True

Most liberals are for abortion, therefore, God is a conservative ;)

Side: True
2 points

Like Bohemian said, it's mathmatically impossible for most liberals to be atheist.

The difference is Liberals don't use heyzeus cristo to gain political power as if god were a pawn, and conservatives are generally slow, so if you're not hitting them with a bible in that moment, they assume you don't own one.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
2 points

Liberals don't use Jesus Christ?

I'm only supporting because I agree with the first sentence. But Liberals, like Obama, advertise their religion to gain power. I'll admit that Obama was being accused of being a Muslim, but he was a man who still advertised his religion and even talked about how he was against gay marriage. Not to mention on how he tried to defend his crazy reverend until his advisers said "um, shit's fucked up, yo".

Conservatives are more guilty of wanting more religious legislation. But Liberals play the whole "I'm a church going family man" card, as well. With good reason... humans are stupid and will not vote for an Atheist or even an Atheist sympathizer.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
2 points

You missed the mark. It's most correct to say "Many liberals are irreligious and atheists tend to be liberal, therefore religion is predominantly conservative."

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
2 points

Jesus was also a Jew, but that's never stopped Christians.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
2 points

There's a shit load of statistics on Atheism in the USA.

Atheism in North America

According to that link, only 2% of US citizens describe themselves as straight-up Atheists. about 15% say no religious affiliation (which tends to be Agnostic or closet Atheist).

Democrats in the USA

According to that link, about 35% of Americans consider themselves Democrats.

And in general, Atheists are more likely to be Independent than Democrat or Republican. And whether you're left leaning or right leaning all depends on what kind of Atheist you are.

There are the Libertarian kind, the Secular Humanist kind, and the Log-Cabin Conservative kind (log cabin referring to Republican roots, and not JUST being gay). I would say, though, that since Secular Humanists are larger than Log-Cabins, and both are usually part of one of the major parties, Atheists probably tend to be Libertarian.

I could be wrong on that last one. But most religious people would find it a challenge to be a Libertarian or like me (which is close to a Libertarian) since we don't care about morals at all; and Libertarianism is a growing party.

Over all; no, most liberals are not Atheists. The Secular Progressive "let's do a bunch of unnecessary shit just to make everything equal cause we're big, flaming homos" liberals are the more mainstream kind. but the more effective, logical Atheists tend to also lean Libertarian (like me; what a coincidence, yo).

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
1 point

So wait...conservatives don't exist? Now you're just being silly.

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
Troy8(2433) Disputed
1 point

So wait...conservatives don't exist? Now you're just being silly.

So because you believe that God doesn't exist, you think all conservatives don't exist? Now you're just being silly.

Side: True
Scumbarge(116) Disputed
1 point

Don't you try to force your belief in conservatives down my throat! Science has yet to find definitive proof of a single instance of right wing thought! The only logical choice is to assume they don't exist!

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
1 point

What a ridiculous and somewhat funny question. God is not either. If you want to talk about truth you must first understand God as not a part of this world. He is not like one of us. He is behond our comprehension, therefore our simplistic ideals of him are either false or simple and true

Side: Wait..., what..., no!
1 point

You fucked up most atheists are liberals not the other way around!

Side: Wait..., what..., No!