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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 True. (8)
 Wait..., what? No! (8)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

People who are a burden to society should be shot - it is the humane thing to do.


Side Score: 8

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 9

This fixes homelessness. Those people are suffering. Put them out of their misery. ;)

Side: True.

Women who want abortions and who live in a state where abortions are not allowed and who cannot afford to go to another state to get an abortion and who cannot afford to raise a child... shot. Put her out of her misery ;)

Side: True.

People who want other people to bend over backwards in order to accommodate their view of life... shot. Put that person out of their misery. Hell!!! I should be shot for forcing my views on all of you!!! Put me out of my misery ;)

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

The only thing that keeps me going in this upside-down world is the fact that it will all be over soon. As it was pointed out in another post, I'm elderly. I've been outed ;)

Side: True.

Why haven't I been canceled after all these years of me having an extreme point of view? Could it be that somewhere deep down inside you people agree with me ;)

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

You all know that there's someone you would love to shoot. Whether that person is a conservative or a lib, you just want them dead and gone from your life ;)

Side: True.
1 point

People who are a burden to society should be shot - it is the humane thing to do.

Hello joe:

Hey. That's a really good idea. Let's start with the Joos. Certainly, they've been a burden since the get go. When we run outta them, let's murder black people.. Bongo boy would LOVE that. Then let's do the libs.. When they're gone, let's kill your neighbor.. He's a burdensome SOB anyway..


Side: True.

I was thinking more along the lines of people who are on the road when I'm trying to get to work or get home from work. Those other people you mention don't really bother me (when they are not on the road with me).

But those people listed do seem to bother other people and I was just trying to provide a modest proposal. Even though that proposal is unrealistic because the killers would be considered haters and they would get canceled in a heart beat.

A more realistic proposal would be to kill them all and let God sort them out. That's His job. If everyone is doing the killing, then you can't single any one group out and cancel them. This solution has many added bonuses like fixing global warming, COVID, etc. Oh, and yes..., it also fixes the problem that is very close to my heart..., it fixes rush-hour traffic ;)

Side: True.
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

A more realistic proposal would be to kill them all and let God sort them out. That's His job.

Hello again, joe:

Well, there ya go.. Kill everybody, and THEN check with God. That way, if you fucked up, there won't be anybody around to tell you about it.


Side: Wait..., what? No!
2 points

It's simple, Kill all humans.

There is not a single person in society that is not dependent on that society.

So, if you need to kill people who are a burden, then you're might as well start with yourself.

[dark humor you moron]


There is a fundamental ignorance of what a society is, how one operates, and how people exist within one.

Simply put, if a society is constructed in such a way that some folks are being left out, that society is broken, not the people it decided to neglect. (And yes, this is a CHOICE made by that society, it can just as easily not be made)

So really, you're just asking for a poorly constructed society to "lean in" and simply further its destructive nature by eradicating any and all evidence of its broken state. And I have significant doubts that you are better off in this society. In fact all statistics on the matter show you to be far worse off as a result of this horrible structuring. But here you are, defending your own oppression, like a true idiot.


From the fundamentals of economics, the problem is extremely bad distribution models, IE extremely bad methods of labor distribution, and extremely poor models of resource distribution.

How can we be certain?

Just follow our economic history, and look at all the massive failures. Entire towns are abandoned by any and all means of production, infrastructure is left to rot, as all discussion of its upkeep are removed from the table. (this one is many decades old)

And then we can look at wealth accumulation as it increases dramatically for a very small few, while the rest see their relative value continue to decline. Massive upward transfers are now commonplace.


A society is "accurately" judged by how they treat their sick, their weak, and their downtrodden. Clearly you aren't smart enough to understand this. You are self centered, ignorant, and lack any humanity whatsoever. You have made yourself less than garbage. Should we treat you as such? Or do you deserve some basic respect?


Lastly, determinism involving "who" is a "burden to society" is a slippery slope into fascism. It is a certainty.

And fascists should not be given a platform. (go scream all you want in the middle of nowhere) *If you're too stupid to learn systemic theory, so you might better understand why people are suffering, you are too stupid to solve the problem of people suffering.

Side: Wait..., what? No!

You sound like an educated person. Have you not read, "A modest proposal" by Jonathan Swift ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!
SlimyBastard(4) Clarified
1 point

You will have to clarify how this is relevant and make an argument. I don't read whole books to answer rebuttals. I also think that anybody defending the killing of the weak and sick should probably be the first to be shot. Especially as there is plenty, and they are illiterate ignorant disgusting trash.

Fascists should always be the first to be shot.

Side: True.
BagelMan(16) Disputed
1 point

if a society is constructed in such a way that some folks are being left out, that society is broken, not the people it decided to neglect

Reality itself is broken by your definition and facilitates the existence of fascism and similar things far more readily than it facilitates a situation which can work for everyone. In fact, it doesn't facilitate the latter at all in almost any context. Reality will smash your limbs with a hammer and laugh when you call it the one who is broken as will society.

Your reaction to this debate (which is a troll debate btw) is very emotional, you are disgusted with the cruelty and unfairness the universe will keep indifferently manifesting long after you're gone. Making society fair is a less realistic goal than killing off the entire human race.

The greatest evil doesn't come from letting evil exist, it comes from trying to eradicate it. It comes from plastering ideals over a messy reality and trying to force it into unnatural shapes. Honestly the less you can manage to give a fuck about anything that doesn't have to affect you the more you win as long as you don't take that to mean "ignore potential risks and opportunities that have to do with politics and economics etc". If you want to make life more fair, look for opportunities to do so but be aware of the severe limitations and the fact that you are acting on an opportunity and not an ideology about how nature shouldn't be the way it is.

Side: True.
1 point

The people you describe should not be shot, (who decides who is going to pull the trigger?) but should be left to fend for themselves and deprived of any state aid whatsoever.

This would force the losers to dig-deep into their inner selves to discover if they have the strength to overcome their character weaknesses and self-inflicted problems.


Those who lack the the strength of purpose and dogged determination to clamber up the lifeline to the freedom of a new and enlightened, self-reliant way of life will perish in the cesspits of their own pitiful inadequacies, just as mother nature intended.

Most of the problems which abound in today's societies stem from a variety of causes most of which have the common denominator of character flaws which invariably leads to drug addiction, sloth, criminal activities and, perhaps the most prevalent being the inability to accept responsibility for own's own life.


Side: Wait..., what? No!
1 point

I note that the society in which I live those parents of lower intelligence ruin their children by catering to their every whim for candy, fizzy drinks, days off school along with an endless stream of useless toys which are quickly discarded in favor of the new batch.

Such over-indulgence stifles the child's character development and retards creative imagination which involves compromise, improvisation as well as amicable interaction with their peers.

Such rearing produces a society of DEPENDANT ADULTS who, psychologically replace their parents with politicians and throw childish tantrums when their elected mummies and daddies don't provide them with the goodies they feel they deserve.

Nature is uncompromising and by artificially keeping the weak alive we are only making a big stick with which to beat our own backs.

Take a look around, not only at the crisis on our southern border but in the streets where crime is rife, the street-people and their human waste render large swaths of our cities out-off bounds to the rest of society.

With the leftist filth in most positions of power the continuing decline of the western nations is guaranteed.

Side: Wait..., what? No!
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Such over-indulgence stifles the child's character

Hello A:

So, children should be DEPRIVED, huh? And that'll build character??

Nahh.. That'll breed hate.. But, you are giving us glimpses into why you're such a hateful human being.. You've NEVER had a toy truck!



Side: True.
Ahoghill(1452) Disputed
1 point





Drug addicts such as you are nothing more than paragons of the dependent society that looks to the state (the taxpayer) to take responsibility for their lives and provide them with handouts to supplement their meagre earnings.




Feelings of hate are a taught social construct which is exemplified in THE BONGO being brainwashed from childhood and upwards to hate white people.

I note your parents did an excellent job in stuffing your head with white loathing and convincing you that the reason for your failure is due to discrimination, white privilege and white supremacy.




The lack, or total absence of being pampered does stimulate a young person's imagination and helps the more intelligent children to improvise and find satisfaction in making do with what is available with which to construct such imaginary scenarios as two great armies facing each other, let's say at, THE BATTLE of THE BULGE.

Matches, (minus the combustible heads) for soldiers, match boxes for tanks and farm buildings.

Make-do fighter aircraft in the guise of coat-hangers battling it out in the skies over Midway can occupy the imaginative child for a long time.

Instead of their parents having to fork-out for an expensive go-cart intelligent and imaginative children will make their own play-park-conveyances out of a set of old buggy wheels secured to a plank of wood with the front set stapled to a directional wooden axle, and steered by a length of stout rope.

The fostering of improvisation in children along with their early realization that there is no such thing as a money tree and the teaching of true values such as honesty, diligence, conscientiousness, playing the game, but above all, WINNING will spawn innovative, self-reliant adults who won't look to big-government to take care of them.

Dumb nit-wits like you couldn't even begin to understand the invaluable experience children gain from a childhood of loving but character building from their responsible parents.

This cultivation of innovation in white youths is almost certainly why they represent over 90% of all inventions and discoveries which have gone to promote the welfare of mankind and advance the frontiers of knowledge.

Side: Wait..., what? No!