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Wait..., I'm coming with you! Screw that, I'm staying put
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:33
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 Wait..., I'm coming with you! (13)
 Screw that, I'm staying put (18)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

That's it, I'm moving to Great Britain. Screw every other country on the planet!


Researchers have discovered that women in Britain have the most shapely bodies on the planet. A recent global survey of breasts discovered the average British woman wears a size 34D bra -- meaning she has bigger boobs and is more slender than most around the world.

Wait..., I'm coming with you!

Side Score: 14

Screw that, I'm staying put

Side Score: 19
2 points

Yes I am coming, British Women are fit and absolute dirty sluts:):):) Check out link. gemma20atkinson20fcbr9.jpg

These are just two, there are many more.

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!

Holly Hooters ;)

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!
1 point

I had no idea!

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!

Wow, if that is just two, hell, I am coming with you. Sweet.....


Hottest British Women

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!
Elvira(3446) Disputed
1 point


I can honestly say none of my friends fit that description, but some of them aren't British. Really don't post things like that, it's disgusting and crude

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put
2 points

With the Neo-Islamic Empire expansion into Europe again, I'm staying the hell away from that continent.

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put

They'll be in America soon.

We should all barricade ourselves in Iceland - protecting ourselves from the Muslims as we would the upcoming 'zombie apocalypse'.

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put
1 point

Islam will never gain the same political power as it has in Europe, so I wouldn't worry. People in this country are ridiculously prejudiced against muslims so any muslim that wants to be taken seriously has to jump through hoops in order to show that they aren't like the extreme muslims we see in Europe protesting against freedom of speech.

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!

I just realized that England is filled with liberals... so I'm staying put with the not so curvy women here. A man has got to get his priorities straight ;)

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put
Axmeister(4322) Disputed
1 point

im in england and there's a lot more groups than just liberals

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!

So...., should I move over there and start sniffing around your women ;)

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!
1 point

I'm a chaos-principle anarchist.


Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!
wolfbite(432) Disputed
1 point

They just put the Conservatives back into power, I guess their version of hopey and changy wasn't working out for them.

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!

Hell..., our version of that Hopey / Changie crap isn't working out for me either ;)

Side: Wait..., I'm coming with you!

I'd sooner go to Iceland. They've got great females, along with very few people (no crowds), and one of the highest longevity rates in the world. They've also got an extremely high literacy rate and are a very multilingual nation.

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put
AtlantaEsq(94) Disputed
1 point

And they also are totally broke, interest rates are around 18%, and their coalition government completely collapsed.

You can be the star in Hollywood's new apocalyptiic hit movie, "Escape from Reykjavik"

Seriously...people are running away from that country.

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Only an extremely small portion of the country is inhabited. Go into the mountains, live off the land, and they'll never be the wiser.

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put

You'd be better going to Sweden or Norway. .

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put

1. Iceland

2. Norway

3. Sweden

4. Ireland (I've the same qualms about Britain as did Tolkien)

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put

They live that long because of he permafrost ;)

Side: Screw that, I'm staying put