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RSS Ankou

Reward Points:12
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

we do not call ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ILLEGAL with out reason. they are hear unlawfully, do not pay takes, increase population amounts and demands on the environment and infrastructure, they take jobs of people who have a right to be here, they drain funding from the educational systems, Medicare/Medicaid, as well as other public services, and finally (unfortunately, I using a sterotype but this is not meant as an overspecialization a high percentage then the majority of demographics but not all of them not all) bring violence and narcotics in to urban areas.

You also have to remember that todays society is very different if a cop shot a person for no other reason than the fact that they forgot there papers hell would rain down on that cop no matter the legislation. Such violence would never happen

You also have to remember that we live in a more digital age and with such a law it would be very easy for a cop to type a name / some personal information such as that found on a drivers license and find out if the person is a legal citizen and if such a data base does not exist it would be fairly easy to create one.

1 point

Bulls^& America bends over back ward to make sure that in public places and matters that minorities, especially muslims, are not only not offend but receive the bigger slice of pie. There was a controversy a while ago where a collage band a cross from it's chapel claiming that the chapel was for the worship of any religion. perfectly acceptable, but a while later they then planed to add through out the campus Islamic foot washing stations. Christians aren't allowed to have a piece of wood but Islamic get away with thousands of dollars and massive plumbing renovations for there convince. yes there exist extremist Muslims but the average American is no more afraid or raciest against some one because of there skin\religious values. People are always looking for the easy way out so they blame other people. There was a guy(black) who i was talking to who claimed collages are rasicst and only whites and Asians. This is also bulls^& when there are fifty thousand African American affirmative action programs and Africans get a scholarship bonus because of there race. As it turned out he had a 2.5GPA as well as no sports or extracurricular activities. he was so convinced the world is set up against him that he convinced himself that he was denied scholarship not because of his intelligence but because of his race. The only reason people think that discrimination is such a problem is that people listen way to much to laments of scorend babies who are blaming the dog on the mess in the kitchen and people like YOU how go on forums and complain about racism.

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