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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I have finally seen the light but they are dangerous
Debate Score:85
Total Votes:101
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 I have finally seen the light (25)
 but they are dangerous (38)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

This is the REAL reason men don't want to ban assault riffles

I have finally seen the light

Side Score: 36

but they are dangerous

Side Score: 49

This side is for people who have finally changed their minds and are now against gun control. That side ---> is for people who will never change their mind no matter how good the shooter looks shooting an assault weapon ;)

Side: I have finally seen the light

Some people are just idiots, while some just like to stare without anyone noticing.

Side: I have finally seen the light
1 point

If they put a control on guns then everyone will use swords...ninjas!

Side: I have finally seen the light
bemagic15(530) Clarified
1 point

Really you down vote a joke

Side: I have finally seen the light
1 point

hey gun control crowd i have a question. if outlawing or "banning" something makes it go away why are we still haveing problems with the availability of illegal "banned" drugs in this country?

Side: I have finally seen the light

WOW. Finally something I think we both agree on! However, I wouldn't say the girl really played a role in me believing that assault riffles shouldn't be banned. ;)

Side: I have finally seen the light
2 points

You know the internet has this thing called "porn" that you can look at. Girls like that? Completely naked. Crazy huh?

So don't worry joe, you can be a perv whilst also supporting laws that will lead to less dead people.

Side: but they are dangerous

Gun control laws will not lead to less dead people. It will lead to MORE dead people who are killed by other methods ;)

Side: but they are dangerous

I almost drank Old English furniture polish while watching this video, more people are likely to die from this video by other methods anyway.

Side: but they are dangerous
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

How do you defend yourself with Assault rifle? Nobody carries it with himself because of "what if..." It's being used only for massacres...

Side: I have finally seen the light
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
0 points

So like when people have less bullets and less powerful guns they will magically be able to kill more people? Does being republican hurt your head? That's a lot of denial.

Side: I have finally seen the light
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
0 points

I don't believe hiding the guns will cause the shootings to decrease. Sure it'll be harder to attain the weapons, but when people set out to commit a crime using a gun, they find a way to get a gun. Just look at all of the guns sold on the black market now. Not to mention that if gun control laws ARE put into place, the people who DO follow rules will now be gun less against people who don't follow rules.

Personally I think shooting a person is no way to go in general ever, any really big dispute can be settled by a few rounds in the boxing ring, but so long as guns exist, which they do, bad people will find ways to get them.

Also this particular argument is just silly, I like the look of the gif but the issue is important.

Side: I have finally seen the light
2 points

There were once three shootings in one week at three different schools, and they didn't even have a reason for doing it they just wanted to.

Side: but they are dangerous
2 points

I think I may stay on this side. A number of debates have been written explaining why, so I'm just gonna sit right here :) Hey Joe

Side: but they are dangerous

Did you not see the girl? Did that picture not get you to change your mind? How could you resist that.... oh...., I think I'm beginning to get it ;)

Side: but they are dangerous
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
2 points

Haha not quite, but as I think someone pointed out, there are things called 'porn sites' very easy to use you know. And oddly enough I find the whole 'children being shot in their stomachs and trying to shovel their intestines back in to them' thing, a little dis-arousing.

Side: I have finally seen the light

Assault rifles are horrible. They should never be permitted. Barbaric!

Side: but they are dangerous
0 points

They ar edangerous, don't get me wrong.

Does that mean I believe they should be outlawed? Hell no. You'd be fighting a losing battle.

Side: but they are dangerous