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Explains everything Nothing really
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Explains everything (6)
 Nothing really (4)

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iLoveVersace(1098) pic

What if God exists? But he wasn't omnipotent, omnibenevolent, or omniscient?

Explains everything

Side Score: 7

Nothing really

Side Score: 6
2 points

Alright, I admit it wouldn't explain EVERYTHING, but it would make sense. Seems would make sense to me for a few reasons:

-Basically, you could then logically ask how he was created because he would have an origin.

-It would still make sense that he would live for many years longer than us. So compared to the span of the human race, he could be (not literally) omnipotent. At least he would have a life span so long we wouldn't have to worry about it.

-For the same previous reason, he could be in charge of his own universe, but not another, but then we wouldn't have to worry about anything within our universe harming us

-same as reasons 2 and 3 but for omniscient

I'll admit it would raise the question, then what happens if something more powerful than god hurts us?

But then, if there is some being that is really omnipotent, omniscient, etc, isn't that separate being technically god?

Side: Explains everything
1 point

It is impossible for God to be all these three qualities. The only rational explanation, if he exists, is that he lacks at least one of those qualities.

Side: Explains everything

Omnipotence would have to go, because omnipotence would include the capacity of omniscience and omnibenevolence. To get rid of those other two, would be to get rid of omnipotence, because you are taking away a power. the power to know, and the power to love, making him/her/it not omnipotent. Omnipotence on it's own is impossible, of course if we are speaking literally here.

Side: Explains everything

Because then he wouldn't be God. Being omnipotent and omniscient is what makes him God.

Side: Nothing really
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

It would be proof at least that there is NOT a god. It wouldn't prove there IS a god, but it would provide an argument for there being NO god, which technically is proof of something.

Side: Explains everything
2 points

Well, it would mean we wouldn't have debates about the omnipotence paradox and maybe the "problem of evil", and some people might find him more viable to place their faith in. But I think these changes would be mostly irrelevant.

We would still be debating (perhaps even more) existence by necessity premise. There would still be people who find him immoral, the Bible would still sound like a fairy tale to most, etc. As far as his proposed works, I don't think any of those would change. Regardless if he is trye or not, I don't think life would change notably if he is not limitless.

Side: Nothing really

This would just generate more questions such as:

How did god create the universe?

Why should god be worshiped?

Where is god now?

And many more.

Side: Nothing really
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

How did god create the universe?

There could be a multiverse, so what if he's bigger than our universe, but he was less than something that could be even greater than that.

Why should god be worshipped?

He could still send you to hell for asking that if he exists in the first place.

Where is god now?

How would we know he ever left?

Side: Explains everything
1 point

There could be a multiverse, so what if he's bigger than our universe, but he was less than something that could be even greater than that.

Then why call him "god" if he isn't ultimate? Also, what would this "greater force" be?

He could still send you to hell for asking that if he exists in the first place.

Oh my gosh, I am so scared /sarcasm

I'll tell you something very interesting; omnipotence, omnibenevolence, and omniscience are impossible attributes. I could give you questions that show how the traits are impossible, but I'm sure you've already heard them.

Now, if "God" is not omnipotent, omnibenevolent, or omniscient, then why call him god? Why worship him? If we take away omnipotence, then god could be dead. If we take away omnibenevolence, then god could hate us. And if we take away omniscience, then god could have accidentally created us without even knowing (think about that; human life could be a mistake). Essentially, god could be no more than the average person.

How would we know he ever left?

How would we know if he is still here?

Sign... you theists...

Side: Nothing really