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 What is wrong with liberals? (17)

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jolie(9810) pic

there is nothing wrong with some of the liberals ideas. some of them go to far though. when you think about it Jesus was a liberal for His times. I personal agree with some of the liberals ideas, like I'm pro choice for example. and also pro gun control. i think we all have at least one or two liberal ideas, because there are different ways on being liberal, its not just one big blanket label. like, you can be liberal when it comes to personal freedoms. or when it comes to goverment spending, and then conservative on other issues. so to ask whats wrong with liberals is really too vague of a question. its really a troll question when I think about it.

god bless you all!!

1 point

this man is correct liberal ideas can be good, most liberals believe in the progression of laws and new ideas, while some conservatives believe things should stay solitary. progress can be good i believe nice balance of liberal and conservative in an american is great because some things should be set and some should be set to the side for review and change such as homosexual marriage.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
0 points

god bless you all!!


Thank you! LOL

Demon_Hunter(635) Clarified
1 point

Your saying that when I say God bless i really am thanking people? Well I'm no sure I get why your saying that but I guess it's true in a way since I like to thank people for talking with me here. I make it a point not to ever do the lol thing though since its way over used and sounds like kids.

Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Oh and I been to Spain before. With my parents as a kid, it was in Barcelona and Palma de Majorca.

God bless.

Here's how some Republicans are similar to Islamic extremists;

This makes you think: what is wrong with those liberals...

1 point

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Darkyear(345) Disputed
2 points

Conservatism is a social disorder.

1 point

They think that by simply down voting they can make a difference.

1 point

I just explained why that's wrong and I now say to you that it's a bigger mental disorder to claim a certain ideology you happen to disagree with is a mental disorder. Or maybe your just trolling? I don't get guys like you and artrag who smugle claim they know things Bout people that are just not true. Is it a defense mechanism for really not knowing? Is it a spiritual shortcoming? Is it just plain ignorance of the bigger picture? Is it separation from God?

Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

God Bless.

1 point

Ben Shapiro posted this, right? Seems pretty accurate...................

In a couple words, they breathe. ........................................

1 point

I'd vote Republican, but I'm allergic to nuts.

Voting is just like driving a car. Choose (R) to go backward, (D) to move ahead. What's wrong with that??

That is so true and so funny. Liberals refuse to look under the hood to see what powers Islam. Freedom of speech/expression; freedom of/from religion; freedom of association; women's rights; freedom of lifestyle choice would all perish under Islamic rule, yet liberals defend it. Go figure.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I know of NO liberals that defend what you are saying. They defend the RIGHT of ALL religions to practice their agenda within the U,S. AS LONG AS IT FOLLOWS AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW! Sharia (many parts of it) does NOT. NO liberal that is not a crackpot, and, yes, we have some, just not as many as the conservatives, accepts these practices! When you have freedom of (or from) religion, you can't reject EVERY PART of ANY religion. Any part of Islamic rule that cuts into our Constitution would be rejected by ANY practical liberal. (Or Christian, or Jewish, etc.). You are painting liberalism with the broadest possible brush, a FOX trait.

1 point

All you have to do is watch the news to know what I'm saying is true. I see it on all networks, especially the liberal outlets like MSNBC, NBC, CNN et. al.