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What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress?


Perspective debates are great for those debates where "True" vs "Wait..., what?  No!!!" doesn't quite work ;)

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We really didn't have this problem when I was growing up. I blame the liberals ;)

Sinknight(518) Disputed
1 point

Don't blame us. If conseratives believe in our amendments why are you blaming us in the first place. If the liberal reign truly cause a shift in clothing and fashion trends your out of our mind. If anyone is to blame get a magazine of peoples magazine and take a brief look of our fashion icons of the modern world. Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Marilyn Manson, etc.

OK. I've been giving the liberals a hard time lately. Maybe I should give them a break. OK..., tell you what..., I'll make a debate about something good liberals do. Look for it ;)

The boy would have some interesting choices to make. For example, should he stuff? And if so..., how much? Should he wear a G-String to avoid unsightly panty lines? Should he wear a bra and let the strap show so he really fits right in? Should he pee standing up? I'm sure you guys could come up with more stuff to add to this list ;)

1 point

What's so bad about a guy wanting to walk around naked? If some guy can wear a dress, why can't I wear my skin dress?

Well..., that brings up an interesting question. If your skin dress is wrinkled, should you iron it ;)

1 point

And if its dirty, is it okay to put in the washing machine?

1 point

What's so bad?

He's wearing a dress that so doesn't flatter his body type. :/

1 point

My husband is half Scottish.

My best friend's husband is full Irish by blood but born in the US.

AND.... the color is all wrong for him. He needs something that accentuates his natural skin tones.

1 point

I've worn three dresses in my hereto life, all of which belonging to my wife. This is because she has awesome taste, and because being a man isn't about being an ignorant asshole, all the time.

All I know is that I cannot wear a mini-skirt..., at least..., not without underwear ;)

1 point

Nothing wrong with a guy wearing a dress I have many times and if you wear it with heels girls seem to like it, or the ones i've met did, I never realised that it was easier to pull in a dress than in a blokes clothes!!

Really, dresses just make more sense for everyone.

You can get a nice little breeze up in there during warm weather.

Just kind of lift it up a little if you need to take a piss.

You have more room in the crotch, a lot more freedom.