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because, atheists are better because, theists are better
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 because, atheists are better (5)
 because, theists are better (5)

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Iloveanimals(46) pic

Why do atheists and theists hate each other so much.

because, atheists are better

Side Score: 6

because, theists are better

Side Score: 5

They really don't. They either dislike the other persons beliefs or truly dont care. Im agnostic. I hang out with some Atheists and Catholics. From what I have noticed Atheists are very respectful to my friend's religious observances. Like ash wednesday or when they wear their cross and start having a relogious conversation. They really don't mind as long as they aren't being indoctrinated. Otherwise they just listen in and learn about the religion. Most religious people tend to be very hateful towards Atheists. My uncle thinks "Atheists" were devil worshippers which is stupid, but thats him.

Side: because, atheists are better

Most don't. Both sides have their meanies though.

Atheists often show concern for the increasing influence of religion on politics and education. Or they focus on the various wars power grabs done in the name of religion. Or they just feel it is in societies best interests to put aside fables and start thinking more rationally.

Theists may genuinely feel that atheists are lost, immoral or dangerous. They, believing that atheism can damn one's mortal soul, may be attempting to mitigate that damage on society or individuals.

And, people can get a little defensive or aggressive when debating closely held beliefs. Not a new development in the history of mankind.

But most people on either side live in peace with the other.

Side: because, atheists are better
QuestionMan(604) Disputed
1 point

Most don't. Both sides have their meanies though.

Atheists often show concern for the increasing influence of religion on politics and education. Or they focus on the various wars power grabs done in the name of religion. Or they just feel it is in societies best interests to put aside fables and start thinking more rationally.

Theists may genuinely feel that atheists are lost, immoral or dangerous. They, believing that atheism can damn one's mortal soul, may be attempting to mitigate that damage on society or individuals.

And, people can get a little defensive or aggressive when debating closely held beliefs. Not a new development in the history of mankind.

But most people on either side live in peace with the other.

How is religious influence now less than in the 1950s?

Side: because, theists are better
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Clarified
1 point

How is religious influence now less than in the 1950s?

Its not at all. It has increased.

This is why I said Atheists often show concern for the increasing influence of religion on politics and education

The so called "militant atheist" movement was pretty small and quiet until around the 80s/90s, after fundamentalist revivalism in the midwest, partially spurred by Ronald Regan and the generations of neocons since his presidency, started becoming more boldly political. Simultaneously, the debate over evolution being taught in schools, which had been fairly quiet for decades started becoming a major talking point again. It wasn't until after this began that hardline atheists became the public face for atheism.

Side: because, atheists are better

Because we have polar oppsite viewpoints in a very critical debate question that plagues the minds of all humanity .

Side: because, atheists are better
1 point

Because most of them are over-the-top... Both sides, that is. They ignorantly commit to a belief, and then close their minds. Believing that God doesn't exist is fine. Believing that a God does exist is fine. But acting like your beliefs are facts is ridiculous.

That's the problem with "God" debates. Most people go into them with their mind already set. They don't even pay attention to what the other side is saying. They're just looking for ways to dispute each others opinions and that usually results in them calling each other "delusional" and "ignorant".

Wow! You know the secrets of the universe? Lets stick you up there amongst the world's greatest minds. You'll be the next quotable genius. People will be setting your wise words as their desktop wallpaper. Calling beliefs "ignorant" hints at some sort of supreme understanding. You must have that, or else you wouldn't be calling people "ignorant", right? I mean, if you didn't, then that would make you ignorant as well... And that just couldn't be the case.

Side: because, theists are better
1 point

Why is this argument for the Theist side?

Side: because, atheists are better
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

Well, I'm not an atheist, so I decided to respond on this side. My argument was referring to both atheists and theists though, so it shouldn't matter.

Side: because, theists are better
1 point

As a Christian, I don't hate atheists. They can be frustrating to debate with, but I still love them because they were created in the image of God, just like I was.

Side: because, theists are better