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joecavalry(40163) pic

Why do conservatives tend to listen to the radio while liberals tend to watch TV

Maybe because most liberals are at home watching TV, collecting welfare, while conservatives are stuck in traffic listening to the radio, on their way to work in order to pay taxes in order to support the liberals sitting at home watching TV, collecting welfare.

But this is just my theory.  What's yours ;)

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Actually I was going to say, because most radio programs are conservative and most TV shows are liberal. But the above theory works as well ;)

Side: cons stuck in traffic listen to radio
2 points

I don't think this is accurate, I know more conservatives than liberals, and I find it to be the other way around. Liberals listen to more radio, and Conservatives watch more television. Now, I think this may be because the Liberals get their propaganda from the television, because they're more creative, and the conservatives get theirs from the radio because they're oldschool, so they each spy on each other most of the time.

I get all of my information from the paper, and the internet, which is a combination of everything. I'm an independent, I have to spy on everyone.

Side: cons stuck in traffic listen to radio

I like your spying thing. It made me lol so I up voted you ;)

Side: cons stuck in traffic listen to radio
1 point

I think conservatives listen to the radio because the liberals only let the conservatives on the radio. They have near total control of television and all the news channels and don't want conservatives on their channels. This has really hurt the ratings of the big NEWS syndicates. Fox is the least liberal and its ratings beat out the others combined.

Side: Liberals are bad

That's because most people don't want to listen to liberal views. So liberals want to bring back the fairness doctrine in order to get conservative shows force liberal views to the masses and get the masses to stop listening to the conservative shows. It's a conspiracy ;)

Side: cons stuck in traffic listen to radio
1 point

You are very right. The fairness doctrine will ruin conservative talk shows as well as peoples commutes.

Side: Liberals are bad
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
1 point

You have sort of a point in your statement, but the tag saying "Liberals are Bad" is just silly.

Liberals, from what I've seen, are good. Mainly because I'm surrounded by them, I know that most of them are good people (the middle class kind at least). You have a skewed vision of Liberals. You see people like Chris Matthews and Janeane Gerafolo, but trust me, they are far from being Liberals, they've gone far beyond that point. I call them HateFags.

Side: Just Cause
1 point

If liberals controlled the media, we wouldnt let's hannity breath. But this is still a free country, and the media is run by demand for it's programming.

Conservatives tend to be older, so they tend to listen to the radio more than the television. Conervatives also tend to be from more rural areas, too.

Liberals are younger, and from more metropolitan areas.

While many preformers on television tend to be liberal, and openly express thief point of view on television, it is not an organized effort.

This is not a conspiracy, only a reaction to demand.

Side: Just Cause
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
2 points

yeah, i bet a lot of old people listen to Opie and Anthony and Howerd Stern.

I listen to radio in the morning for Bubba the Love Sponge. Hell, I used to listen to Rush (not the band) when i went to Regions that had it.

Radio, believe it or not, is still pretty popular now a days.

1. Liberals don't control ALL media, just most of it. It's sad, because the few non-liberal media outlets do so much better. I mean, they get more than the liberal outlets combined. Fox News is in the top 10 rated cable programs, while MSNBC and CNN don't even make top 20.

2. already covered it in the first paragraph.

3. Most young people are usually indifferent. Then, most of the young ones who do get into politics don't know wtf they're talking about. And finally, the last few, are Libertarians. Eventually they grow up, get smarter, and find their own view. But really, most young people don't even know that MSNBC is liberal as fuck. So how would that effect them?

4. True, Hollywood is liberal, but it's not exactly organized. you can tell from their misuse of facts.

bottom line, Conservatives watch and listen to the news more than Liberals. Fox News dominates TV, New York Post dominates Newspapers, and Conservative Talk Radio dominates the radio. In fact, Liberal radio is going bankrupt left and right. Same is soon to happen to MSNBC, even liberals can't stand the shit that these people spew. Liberal shouldn't even be the word, since it is a good ideology... I think HateFags should be the new term to describe these Far-Left Nut jobs.

Seriously, what happened to Liberalism when we have people like Chris Matthews and Keith Obermann being the Liberals on TV... holy shit.

Side: Just Cause
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

You must have just glanced over what I wrote. Your statements are either unrelated or not opposed to what I wrote.

I think you should have made a completely new argument, and not a response to mine.

Side: Just Cause
Tugman(749) Disputed
1 point

If liberal television is in demand how come Fox has higher ratings than all the other syndicates combined?

Side: Liberals are bad
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

The networks do what works for them. Maybe you should ask them. But it seems like a good business to be in. They spend less on production, but still make more (potentially) in advertising.

All I know is that I, as a liberal, watch fox more than CNN. Just because it's funny.

And I, also as a liberal, listen to NPR more than anything. So it's not a conspiracy. Just the way the cards fall. If you want more conservative based television, go out a make some.

Side: Liberals are bad
1 point

Man what-ever! haha. But you're right! My husband is conservative and not only listens to that Limburgh guy on the radio in the car, but even on the stereo in the bathroom whenever he's in there. And I'd rather the news. But that's only because I can't make out what's being said on the radios. :-)

Side: Liberals are bad
1 point

I didn't know this was the case, so I don't know. What makes you think that is the case? Not saying you're wrong, just...I've never noticed it.

Side: I didnt know about this

It has to do with the fact most radio shows are conservative (Savage, Limbaugh, Levine, etc) and most TV shows are liberal (CNN, MSNBC, etc).

Side: cons stuck in traffic listen to radio
1 point

Well, i guess we can start with the fact that Liberal Radio always fails. Not because Liberals don't want to listen to radio, but because the Left Wingers that get a hold of radio spots are just horrible as fuck.

I'm talking about people like Al Franken and Janeane Gerafolo who are:

1. Not funny

2. Hate mongers

3. Completely Stupid

Liberals don't want to listen to that, so Liberal Radio goes bankrupt. So sensible Liberals watch TV instead. Obviously most of them watch Fox News since Fox News has higher ratings than the other Cable News channels combined and Conservatives aren't the only people who watch the News (and certainly do not take up the majority of the country).

Side: Just Cause
1 point

OK, I am conservative and I watch TV way more than I listen to the radio, so do most people I know. The above question is just a stereotype that might be true but is probably not.

Side: That's not necessarily true