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Hell Yeah! What? No!
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Hell Yeah! (10)
 What? No! (9)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Would you sacrifice 10 friends for a Whopper?

Burger King, through their insanely creative advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky (see their recent Burger King perfume launch), launches a Facebook application that encourages users to remove Facebook friends. Sacrifice ten of them and you got a free Whopper. 233,906 friends were removed by 82,771 people in less than a week.

Hell Yeah!

Side Score: 12

What? No!

Side Score: 14

Of course!

From what I've heard, there are a lot of people on Facebook that add friends they really don't know or have any other contact with, but I don't really know, because I don't use Facebook. They probably have safeguards against this, but I would go on a friend rampage, and then delete 10 whenever I feel hungry.

To me, this sounds like a terrible idea for a company. But for me, it sounds pretty cool!

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

I would sacrifice 10 lives for a whopper.

Side: Hell Yeah!

LMFAO! You mercenery fair weather friend...I'm laughing so hard, I can't get my Whopper down!

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

Sometimes being around someone for a long time can get pretty annoying, but a Whopper only lasts a few minutes and that's not a long enough time to get on my nerves. (;

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point


Side: Hell Yeah!

So...., you like 'em big, huh?

Side: Hell Yeah!
1 point

Psh most of the people that people know on Facebook I do not really know, TOSS EM AND GET SOME FOOD!! BOOO YAAA!!!!!!

Side: Hell Yeah!

I don't have 10 friends :(

Side: What? No!
1 point

lol you are so funny =]

Side: What? No!
2 points

Um....No! The whopper will dissapear in a few seconds, and friends last forever!(well I geuss that depends on how close you guys are!)

Side: What? No!
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
3 points

er, couldn't you just reinvite them after you eat the whopper?

Side: Hell Yeah!
2 points

Too much work. After a Whopper I like to lay down and digest ;)

Side: What? No!

Yes, you sure can! Then boot 'em again for lunch.~_~

Side: Hell Yeah!
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
1 point

I don't think you have to stop actually being friends with these people... You just have to delete them from your friends list. If that would completely constitute the termination of your friendship, then you really aren't very good friends with that person, are you?

Side: Hell Yeah!

I don't have facebook and I don't eat "fast food". Would I sacrifice facebook and a whopper for a more intelligent America? Yes, in a heart beat!

Side: this is stupid
1 point

i dont even like whoppers

Side: What? No!

Whoppers are fattening and disgusting piles of death. I wouldnt sacrifice ten friends for that. Also, the few friends I have are amazing people, so no way

Side: What? No!
1 point

yes it is totally worth it

Side: What? No!

I don't even have 10 friends!

No, but I wouldn't even sacrifice 10 whoppers for a friend!

Side: What? No!