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This personal waterfall shows you all of AlofRI's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I wouldn't worry about it. About 70% of Americans have gun control in their sites! ;-)

2 points

There ARE no legitimate arguments against REASONABLE gun control. Gun control starts with, first, controlling WHO gets them, second controlling WHAT they can get! Tough job, but, somebody's GOT to do it! We MAY get some help from Covid, many of those who want the worst guns also DON'T want the vaccines. Hopefully, some of the worst of them will die ... before they kill someone. ;-)

2 points

Actually, there were 7 mass shootings in that week. You might want to DUCK!

1 point

I fear the return of Rump MUCH more than the return of a long-dead entity of any kind. Should I fear Genghis Kahn? Mao? Hitler? No. They've done their damage! Rump could do MORE! The return of Rump from a "Gated Country Club" of the LAW'S choosing SHOULD be enough years down the road to render him ... fragile(?). It's his gangland family we have to be careful of, that's how "The Don" could be dangerous! :-(

1 point

Let's see ..... what day is Hitler's birthday?? Stalin's?? Gengis Khan's??

I don't take THOSE days off either. Guess I'll skip this one. :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

jOE LIKES TO TURN THINGS AROUND AND SPIN THEM BACKWARDS (dAMN CAPS LOCK!) Let's hope he doesn't spin you and break wind for them! ;-)

1 point

OOPS! I read that wrong! I thought you were talking about "Trump-lodytes"!

Some day I hope to have the senility .... to forget the names of those I hate. ;-)

1 point

I'm all for Tha..... ?

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well, by 6 years old they usually know how to use the potty, so, they can have the beer. I catch'em into my Bourbon, though, they're gonna get their hides tanned! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

That's because nobody calls for respect when a rightist is in power .... they don't know the meaning of the word. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I love things that roll off tongues. :-) !

1 point

How 'bout a little respect until she does something wrong?? She's definitely smarter than Sarah Palin .... she FINISHED college courses. She got a legitimate degree in LAW. Is there ANY respect on the right .... I mean, excluding their leaders ....??? ;-)

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