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This personal waterfall shows you all of AlofRI's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Given that I have been so ... closely attached ... shall we say? To the opposite sex, I would HAVE TO BE STONED to be lying with a man. I don't do drugs and I don't think there's enough Bourbon to get me away from the, um, ... softer things in life.

I'm also averse to being punished by an imaginary "god". But then, if they would come up with an ageless "goddess"...... please be gentle with the "stones". ;-)

1 point

I love when I can agree with someone I usually find disagreeable. Well said.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Joe. It seems you've reached the point where you can't even tell if OTHERS are kidding or not. Maybe you need a trip to the park?? Relax. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Nasty but nice ?? ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Not unless it's a particularly nasty post. :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I keep a roll of little baggies beside my desktop for when I open one of your posts! ;-)

1 point

FINALLY! You're catching up to where I was two years ago! I was trying to figure that out THEN! ;-)

1 point

Once again, I knew the author of this post before I opened it! Cute ;-)

2 points

Who cares about "most"? Every level of gun violence must be addressed. I'm not for "banning" all guns, I'm for limiting "firepower"! Too many citizens have the firepower to, not protect, but to "MOW-EM DOWN!" THAT is not needed. It's an EGO thing, and if you need an ego-thing you should NOT have assault weapons OR a handgun that holds more rounds than one would EVER need for protection! We have more guns than any other country ... is it any wonder that we seem to need more "personal protection" than any other country? (unless it's in a war zone!)

I've had guns all my life. I like guns and shooting. I was a member of several rifle teams. I don't have much of an ego, I don't need an assault weapon to feel like a man! (OR an egotistical [ego-testicle?] woman. ;-)

1 point

Talking to yourself? Joe? ;-)

1 point

If Rump had won a second term we would be too busy pushing to save the Constitution and democracy! (As well as the planet)!

1 point

No. I'd be wishing HE didn't have them ... I've got my own. ;-)

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