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This personal waterfall shows you all of Alverus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Homophobic individuals do not chose to be homophobic.

Yes, they do. Even if they don't like to see gay acts (and a great part of heterosexuals is that way), they don't need to isolate/spank/kill homosexuals. Just ignore it. Homosexuals don't do anything to bother other people. They are just like heterosexuals, the only difference is their emotional and sexual desires.

They are born that way and cannot change anymore than a gay man can change and become heterosexual.

Yes, they can. Repeating what I've said before, you don't have to support homosexuality or like it. You just have to respect it. And if a person doesn't like to see heterosexual acts? Public is public.

Once outted, homophobes face ridicule and are bullied.

In some other dimension, maybe. Unfortunately, most population is still homophobic. So, no, homophobes don't suffer.

Homophobic individuals are people too. They just want to be accepted by society.

HA, good joke. They are people, of course. Repeating again: nobody is forced to like homosexuals. Just respect them. I don't like to see/hear electioneering. But I have to, and there's nothing I can do about it. And homophobes don't want to be "accepted by society". They just want that homosexuals don't be accepted by it.

Homophobia is NOT a choice, it is a genetic disorder

Homophobia is purely psychological. It's not biological. If there is a homophobic with an open mind, just a few arguments will change his/her mind. Most, sadly, don't want to listen and are convinced that homosexuality is wrong. You can show countless arguments and evidences, and they just ignore. It's frustrating.

1 point

It would be really awesome. Although a big mess. Unfortunately, most homosexuals (repeating, MOST, not all) just thinks in sex, and that's what causes the stereotype. However, I disagree with the part of cure for homophobia. There's no cure for homophobia. The only way to open homophobes' eyes is showing them that there's nothing wrong in being homosexual. No need of science to do this (although scientific studies that explain the homosexuality would be useful).

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