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That's a great idea!!! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:43
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 That's a great idea!!! (19)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (14)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What if Gays started their own country?


They already have their very own colorful flag.

They could have a statue at their port of entry with the encryption, "Give us your Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender."

They can legalize any type of marriage they want.

Their capital could be the fashion capital of the world!

They can fund their scientists to find a cure for homophobia.

They can even start their own religion.

The possibilities are endless.

That's a great idea!!!

Side Score: 21

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 21

America was started by a group of people who wanted to come together to worship God separately. They left countries that persecuted them and then they persecuted the locals (Native Americans) so that as more and more people arrived here, they could tell the newcombers, "Welcome. Go worship over there..., far away from me."

Gays can do the same thing. How awesome is that ;)

Side: That's a great idea!!!
2 points

There would be parades everyday and Obama could be their king.... well, queen... whatever.

Side: That's a great idea!!!

I don't know what the national anthem would be like but I'm sure that it will be fabulous ;)

Side: That's a great idea!!!
Assface(398) Clarified
1 point

A Glee cover of a Madonna hit.

Side: That's a great idea!!!

There really is only one choice for that

Le Queer anthem
Side: That's a great idea!!!
1 point

With an endless supply of hotdog and taco restaurants.



Oh.. did I go too far? O.o

Side: That's a great idea!!!
1 point

It would be really awesome. Although a big mess. Unfortunately, most homosexuals (repeating, MOST, not all) just thinks in sex, and that's what causes the stereotype. However, I disagree with the part of cure for homophobia. There's no cure for homophobia. The only way to open homophobes' eyes is showing them that there's nothing wrong in being homosexual. No need of science to do this (although scientific studies that explain the homosexuality would be useful).

Side: That's a great idea!!!
1 point

I don't see why not...although it would go against their goal of being accepted into normal society.

Side: That's a great idea!!!
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

There's a certain demographic of militant gays who have no desire to assimilate. They see themselves as a separate culture that deserve to be preserved, like they're oppressed Native Americans or some shit. I'm sure some of those gays would already have struck out on their own if they had jobs.

Side: That's a great idea!!!

Normal society? WTF r u talking about? Would you join this "normal society" u speak of? ;)

Side: That's a great idea!!!
1 point

Yeah, they can have they own country...

...on the moon.

Side: That's a great idea!!!

With the Chavs? ;)

Side: That's a great idea!!!

That wouldn't last very long.

Side: That's a great idea!!!
3 points

It would only last a single generation so that wouldn't be very practicle

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

No, they would recruit more and more people from all over the world. Also, a gay and a lesbian couple could come together to procreate. The child would end up with 2 mothers AND 2 fathers. This would double their birthday presents. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

That does happen sometimes. A gay couple who want babies and a lesbian couple who want babies get together and swap seeds, then take turns raising the kid. A better objection is that not all the kids they raised would turn out gay, but they could just deport those ones off of Gay Island for treason.

Side: That's a great idea!!!
1 point

That's a good one!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

They wouldn't need to if born-again Republicans broke off and started their own country. They could call it... Alabama.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

You are just a bigot who is trying to deny gays their own country. They are entitled to their own country. Who are you to deny them that? What difference does it make to you? It doesn't affect you in any way, shape or form. It wouldn't hurt you or any one for them to start their own country. You are just plain mean. You big meanie. I hope a dog bites you on the weanie ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

Are you implying that all liberals are gay? I hope you are, because it's true and funny.

Side: That's a great idea!!!
1 point

You probably wouldn't have disputed me if that's really what you thought I meant, especially if you found it true and funny.

What I meant is that born-again Republicans are, from what I've seen, the greatest and most frequent source of homophobia in my own country, and without them around homosexuals wouldn't even need to start their own country, flag or no fag.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

No, I'm implying that zealously religious, right-wing nutjobs are the main source of homophobia in the US, and without their influence the gays wouldn't need to do something like start their own country to escape this persecution.

And I'm a liberal, and I like women waaaaayyyy too much to be gay. So I would never imply something like that.

Side: That's a great idea!!!
2 points

They would run out of kids to adopt be cause they don't reproduce very well.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

No, they would recruit more and more people from all over the world. Also, a gay and a lesbian couple could come together to procreate. The child would end up with 2 mothers AND 2 fathers. This would double their birthday presents. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!