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True Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:36
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 True (18)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (12)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Homophobia is NOT a choice, it is a genetic disorder


Homophobic individuals do not chose to be homophobic.  They are born that way and cannot change anymore than a gay man can change and become heterosexual.  This society places a heavy stigma on homophobes causing them to hide in the closet, sort of speak, in shame and fear of being found out.  Once outted, homophobes face ridicule and are bullied.  Homophobic individuals are people too.  They just want to be accepted by society.


Side Score: 23

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 12

Homophobes should take this opportunity to share their experiences with the rest of us so that we can better understand you and start the process of healing and acceptance ;)

Side: True
2 points

This is one of your more successful trolling debates, well done.

Side: True

Thanks. The Terminator said I was losing my edge. I was feeling self conscious ;)

Side: True

We should have Homophobe Pride Parades ;)

Side: True
Side: True
2 points

This line here -- "This society places a heavy stigma on homophobes causing them to hide in the closet, sort of speak, in shame and fear of being found out." -- while it's obviously a joke, there's some truth to it. People think it's "okay" to act with cruelty and direct hatred towards people so long as they're 'bigots'. That makes it justified, right?

This is an age-old game. Direct your hate towards the people society has deemed "okay" and even "righteous" to hate, and no one will oppose you on it. Hating homophobes is every bit as bigoted as hating homosexuals.

I hate to break it to you, but the reason you hate homophobes? - It's the same reason homophobes hate homosexuals.

Side: True

I think we should fund a study that looks at animals to determine if homophobic behavior is "normal?" ;)

Side: True
1 point

Oh yes, soon these poor, disordered people will be exposed to more intense scrutiny than the homosexuals themselves! How dare these critics claim that it is a choice, these people don't want to be homophobes, they are simply born that way!

Side: True
1 point

While it’s not a choice, I wouldn't say the cause it genetic.

It’s a conditioning of the environment or upbringing that causes such an inclination to hate.

Side: True
1 point

ya, its a genetic disorder. no-one wanna live such a cursed life.

Side: True
1 point

I'm homophobic and I don't hate gays I just simply feel a bit uncomfortable around them and literally nothing can change that. Society just hates homophobes because they think it's a form of bullying but it's just a way we feel

Side: True
1 point

It's a genetic disorder, something we can't control, just like being gay

Side: True
1 point

I just realized something, haha May the odds be ever in my favor!!

Side: True
1 point

Gotta admit tipping the votes in your favor is awesome, I just joined today and figured this out

Side: True
1 point

Just gotta prove once agian that society is intolerant of people who they THINK are intolerant

Side: True
1 point

I believe this to be true. I mean you don't just wake up one day and say "Well I feel uncomfortable around gays." I think it to be something that is most likely thought or gained from another family member or random person, from a young age.

Side: True

I don't know about genetic disorder, but it's defiantly a mental illness. Like all phobias it is characterized by an unconditional fear or hatred of something without any logical reason for feeling that way.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I've known a few Homophobes in my life and most of them it was purely a fear of the unknown, when they got to know some Gay people they realised they were just normal people and it was purely unfounded. I think with a bit of education Homophobia and Racism can be overcome in most people

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Homophobic individuals do not chose to be homophobic.

Yes, they do. Even if they don't like to see gay acts (and a great part of heterosexuals is that way), they don't need to isolate/spank/kill homosexuals. Just ignore it. Homosexuals don't do anything to bother other people. They are just like heterosexuals, the only difference is their emotional and sexual desires.

They are born that way and cannot change anymore than a gay man can change and become heterosexual.

Yes, they can. Repeating what I've said before, you don't have to support homosexuality or like it. You just have to respect it. And if a person doesn't like to see heterosexual acts? Public is public.

Once outted, homophobes face ridicule and are bullied.

In some other dimension, maybe. Unfortunately, most population is still homophobic. So, no, homophobes don't suffer.

Homophobic individuals are people too. They just want to be accepted by society.

HA, good joke. They are people, of course. Repeating again: nobody is forced to like homosexuals. Just respect them. I don't like to see/hear electioneering. But I have to, and there's nothing I can do about it. And homophobes don't want to be "accepted by society". They just want that homosexuals don't be accepted by it.

Homophobia is NOT a choice, it is a genetic disorder

Homophobia is purely psychological. It's not biological. If there is a homophobic with an open mind, just a few arguments will change his/her mind. Most, sadly, don't want to listen and are convinced that homosexuality is wrong. You can show countless arguments and evidences, and they just ignore. It's frustrating.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

To say that all phobias come from your genes is a false statement... So is saying that just one phobia is as well. Evidence has been submitted that yes, in fact phobias can be common within families, for example twins. If one identical twin is homophobic it is more likely that his or her twin would be homophobic as well rather than if two un related people were to be homophobic. However, we also have to consider the social factors that come into play with phobias. Especially in this day and age, gay rights, and issues such as equal marriage is a major staple in today's politics and media. Depending on where you live, the type of community, how your school or workplace handles homosexuality, someone may be more prone to be homophobic rather than others. This could be someone who has a genetic predisposition to be homophobic, however it does NOT mean that the social factors and the surrounding environment isn't a large if not the largest part of this phobia. In the sixties Martin Luther King Jr. hoped to see a day where both black and white children would be able to enjoy the same privileges and enjoy life together harmoniously, today there are many people who wish the same for homophobes and homosexuals in America. As a nation we have learned to integrate and put aside our prejudices against African-Americans, whose to say we can't do it for gays?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Homophobia is a relatively new "phobia". Consider the ancient Greeks. Man on man sexual affairs were common, especially in the military. It wasn't looked upon as anything taboo because the idea that homosexuality was wrong didn't yet exist. This proves that homophobia is a learned fear, not something genetically ingrained in us.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Strangley Homosexuality was'nt frowned upon until the Bible got involved the ancient civilizations were'nt bothered and a lot of them actively embraced as you mentioned the Ancient Greeks, Romans and the Spartans were all into it. I think Homophobia has come along hand in hand with the more modern religions, coincidence?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I disagree. I think it's an evolutionary thing. Not a religious thing. It evolved over time to its modern day form ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I think it's an evolutionary thing. It evolved over time to its modern day form ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

You don't CHOOSE to bey gay.

You don't CHOOSE to support gays.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I know. You're preaching to the choir. It's all in the genes. Probably a chemical imbalance in the brain ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

No, it's not a genetic disorder. It's deep-ceded paranoia. The truth is that everyone has some gay in them. A lot of people don't know how to deal with it, because we live in a repressed society. So, they try to cover it up with a bunch of bogus machismo and hate.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

OK..., so what you're saying is that you have a lot of bones inside your body and one more won't make that much of a difference to you, right ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!