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Cartman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cartman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What was Jill Stein's number 1 priority campaign promise?

2 points

They have to. Ancient Greece must have had the carpets match the drapes.

1 point

To bring out that type of vicious anger means I hit a nerve of truth about you.

What makes you angry?

0 points

Let me explain something once more since your devil's advocate personality pretends to never get it.

I am not a devil's advocate. I just live by the rules that you claim you want. You never follow your own rules.

Barring inhumanity, we are all partisan to whichever side more aligns with our moral values and our politcal ideology.

Then you are a complete fucking idiot for attacking people for aligning to a political ideology.

What the Democrats are doing to Trump is not normal partisan politics.

Yes it is, you stupid fuck.

It is outright hatred for him and what he stands for

Oh no. I can't imagine what someone would sound like If they had pure hatred for the opposite ideology. Oh wait, I can, that's what you do, you stupid fuck.

Democrats stopped attacking Trump for breathing, I would have no need for my debates speaking to their total hypocrisy and double standards.

That's true, but you would still do it any way because you are a stupid fuck. Plus, only a stupid fuck would think that's the only hypocrisy of the democrats that needs to be spoken about.

the Democrat party did not support No Restriction abortions, I would not have to speak to their inhumanity towards our unborn children days from birth.

You don't try to stop pregnancy. You support more unwanted pregnancies. You are responsible for all abortions. Get off your high horse. You love abortions.

's called not suing a private Christian family owned business to cater events that go against their religious beliefs.

It is not a part of Christianity to be assholes to your fellow countrymen. They are violating their beliefs by claiming their religious beliefs say that.

It's called not appointing activist Justices to create new law forcing every State to change the marriage laws.

No law was created you stupid fuck.

It all about an arrogant activist group of elites thinking they have the right to force all Americans to think and believe as they think and believe.

You just described yourself, you stupid fuck.

When the day comes that these extremist Liberal Democrats stop trying to push their ideology down our throats, and stop supporting infanticide, you will not see me on these debate sites.

So, you fixing lied in your first argument. You stupid fuck.

So, you are completely full of shit. Congratulations on bring every fucking thing you hate. I look forward to your downvote and complaints about my language and insults. Don't learn anything, just like a stupid fucking Democrat.

I have a "bet" for you. You claim you hate when Democrats refuse to look at the facts. It is a fact that no new law was created for gay marriage. It is a very simple fact. You keep claiming a new law was created. So here is the deal: I won't attack your "arguments" as long as you don't repeat that one claim. You can keep dang all your other false statements, and I won't attack you. Let's see who can last longer.

0 points

You really have no self awareness. So, are you trying to claim that if Democrats stopped attacking Trump you would finally stop being so partisan?

1 point

When you can't dispute the facts you Progressives run and hide

1 point

The article writer thinks guns can exist with the microstamping technology. That means he isn't calling for all guns to be banned.

1 point

You left out a word, dipshit.

1 point

"No, not merely a gun owner. Don’t get all huffy and defensive, gun zealots. Nobody’s tarring all gun owners. I’ve long been one myself."

1 point

You left out a word, dipshit.

1 point

You left out a word, dipshit.

1 point

Only banning semi auto rifles isn't banning all guns.

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