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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cuaroc's arguments, looking across every debate.
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

except Pedophiles do have natural affection towards children. Hence why they are called Pedophiles.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

pedophiles are attracted to small kids and that is not normal and is condemned by the bible.

Oh really? Where in the bible does it condemn pedophilia?

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Try addressing my argument.

You never do it. Why should other people then?

1 point

Donald Trumps Hair.

1 point

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

1 point

Slander is not a right. .

yes it is, it's called freedom of speech.

1 point

yes i do it's called freedom of speech.

oh and it's not slander when it is the truth.

1 point

I am going to report you to the authorities

Please do i'm sure they'd love to hear about your raping.

if the slander continues.

Freedom of speech.

1 point

It's called freedom of speech.

1 point

FALSELY calling me a rapist

Except it's not falsely calling you a rapist when you actually are one

1 point

yes it is.

0 points

sure it is.

0 points

freedom of speech.

1 point

makes perfect sense now an advanced AI chatbot took over the persona of Dana.

1 point

try reading what he said.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

as usual you didn't read the argument.

1 point

Now Now it's not good self-esteem to call your people worthless pieces of trash.

1 point

only a pedophile would call other people a pedophile.

2 points

Fact: Everyone has a right to life. Sound familiar? It should it's one of the few catchphrases you know.

1 point

Pedophiles choose to be that way.

And then by that logic everyone who is Gay chooses to be gay.

1 point

Because Santa gives presents while you're still alive.

1 point

I am wattching a documentary on ancient Egyptian religion.

You mean the first 5 minutes of a documentary then posting a pointless debate about it

I am sure that you are a good person.

Unlike you?

I don't have time to fight with you.

Hasn't stopped you before.

1 point

aww what's the matter not obeying Andy anymore like you said you would?

1 point

There ya go gave you proof though you probably just downvoted it without reading it like you usually do.

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