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This personal waterfall shows you all of CutMe's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So is the pain before death, IF ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 XD

1 point

Sure. They can be served if the woman is capable and wants to help, but he shouldn't be served all the time...

1 point

I thought this was the most random question on this site when I clicked...

1 point

Didn't even watch the video. That statement is something only a fucking idiot would say because he's not open minded and wants to force whatever on whoever.

1 point

I can't believe people actually think being pregnant is better than being dead. If you're dead, you're either in peace or in a heaven of sorts (depending on your beliefs). Those are both better than child-birth. It's not always less painful, but being pregnant has consequences and being dead doesn't.

CutMe(109) Clarified
1 point

That's your opinion. It's fine you think that way as long as you don't try to control everyone else.

0 points

Well, it wouldn't matter if we didn't have a say in our own aborting because we wouldn't be alive to say anything about it and children can't speak. As for how painful it is, I think it depends on how long the mother waits.

1 point

I think it's obvious. Being killed is better than being pregnant (unless you want the child). There's been many cases of child pregnancy and 0 cases of a sad fetus. I can gurantee if you abort soon, it won't feel anything. But if that doesn't matter to you, you might as well become a vegan because animals have feelings too.

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