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This personal waterfall shows you all of Elvira's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I'm just imagining a cleaner in a business suit here.

1 point

Effective for tripping perpetrators up on the stairs.

1 point

If you're reading a book or thinking, showing emotion will mean people will think something is wrong with you, but if you're doing something with other people: "Are you okay?", "I'm boring you, aren't I", "Did I say something...?". It's impossible to keep on top of :(

1 point

Vagueness can be good, but specific can be excellent.

1 point

I think the song expresses the conflict between the desire for fame and need for tranquility. The speaker criticises modern society in "Passion... for more", which I would say is a metaphor for anyone deemed attractive from celebrities in the media to followers of fashion being pressured until they cannot take it anymore or lose some part of themselves.

1 point

Although Christmas has strong pagan roots, so it doesn't really matter if you're not a Christian.

1 point

Ridiculously catchy song
Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

I wasn't name-calling, I was just mentioning what it's often called here. The Daily Mail isn't worth a well-reasoned argument.

1 point

In the UK we have something called 'The Daily Mail' (sometimes referred to as The Daily Fail) which is a right wing tabloid paper. Papers like this one have done a lot to scapegoat immigrants for, well... everything.

1 point

I've never heard anyone say a good thing about Fox. Of course, as an outsider I don't watch Fox, the only times I hear of this particular broadcaster is an article about how ridiculous they are. Which could account for my bias against them.

1 point

I actually thought those were news broadcasters I'd never heard of.

Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

I've never heard of CAN or NBA, but Fox is bullshit.

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