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This personal waterfall shows you all of Elvira's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I'm just imagining a cleaner in a business suit here.

1 point

Effective for tripping perpetrators up on the stairs.

1 point

If you're reading a book or thinking, showing emotion will mean people will think something is wrong with you, but if you're doing something with other people: "Are you okay?", "I'm boring you, aren't I", "Did I say something...?". It's impossible to keep on top of :(

1 point

Vagueness can be good, but specific can be excellent.

1 point

I think the song expresses the conflict between the desire for fame and need for tranquility. The speaker criticises modern society in "Passion... for more", which I would say is a metaphor for anyone deemed attractive from celebrities in the media to followers of fashion being pressured until they cannot take it anymore or lose some part of themselves.

1 point

Although Christmas has strong pagan roots, so it doesn't really matter if you're not a Christian.

1 point

Ridiculously catchy song
Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

I wasn't name-calling, I was just mentioning what it's often called here. The Daily Mail isn't worth a well-reasoned argument.

1 point

In the UK we have something called 'The Daily Mail' (sometimes referred to as The Daily Fail) which is a right wing tabloid paper. Papers like this one have done a lot to scapegoat immigrants for, well... everything.

1 point

I've never heard anyone say a good thing about Fox. Of course, as an outsider I don't watch Fox, the only times I hear of this particular broadcaster is an article about how ridiculous they are. Which could account for my bias against them.

1 point

I actually thought those were news broadcasters I'd never heard of.

Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

I've never heard of CAN or NBA, but Fox is bullshit.

1 point

I don't think it really matters, but I don't like the saying very much so I'm on this side, yay. Some Christians find it really offensive for anyone to 'take God's name in vain' so I don't think people should say it, atheist or not. I really hate the textspeak OMG, and how it is used in designs aimed at teenagers. I personally don't understand why anyone would wear a t-shirt with something that is not only tasteless, but offensive on it.

Side: I actually used to say "Oh I say" when I was in primary school because I grew up reading Enid Blyton books which were written in the 4/50's. I now use "Ye gods" (Discworld). The outside world isn't a thing.

1 point

In a decent, siegeworthy castle.

1 point

All that aside, that is one weird skeleton.

1 point

Ritual Seppuku, because: "From ages past it has been considered an ill-omen by samurai to be requested as kaishaku. The reason for this is that one gains no fame even if the job is well done. Further, if one should blunder, it becomes a lifetime disgrace.

"In the practice of past times, there were instances when the head flew off. It was said that it was best to cut leaving a little skin remaining so that it did not fly off in the direction of the verifying officials."

As it can be imagined that the head would fly off into the spectators, landing in someone's lap, with the eyes staring creepily up at them.

Supporting Evidence: Source (
1 point

Sure. If feminism never kicked off I wouldn't be able to go to school, vote or own property.

1 point

Yousei Teikoku's Herrscher.





Nicht aufgeben!




Nicht aufgeben!

What it sounds like:




Nicht aufgeben!

Kill them!

Kill them!

Kill them!

Nicht aufgeben!

1 point

Never and it's not okay to slap a man, child or guinea pig either.

2 points

Hanging off some cliff somewhere, thinking "Will someone turn this damned suspense music off?"

1 point

I walked into an automatic door #firstworldproblems

On a brighter note, nokia phones are good for turning out norman shoes.

1 point

Maybe because it was originally written that way?

1 point

Shaolin monks. Maybe the fittest people on the planet? They're Buddhist... and veggie.

1 point

American policeman swear on duty? I'm shocked. :)

The video was actually quite interesting, it makes me want to repeat the study in different locations and write a paper on how racism differs between different states or countries, and maybe explore different variables such as gender, age, dress sense, model of car. A study of suspiciousness. Oh dear...

1 point

If I said no, there would be a mini-paradox.

2 points


Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

Helium has mass. Gravity acts on things with mass.

2 points

Ah, I hope you're trolling. I really, really do.

Our cute, elusive, invisible force is known as gravity.

Edit: this is copy and paste! You really are trolling!

1 point


3 points

As our carbon dioxide output a day is similar to that of a supervolcanic eruption ( 0215.html ), and the large majority of academic research suggests that accelerated global warming is our fault, I tend to agree that we are causing an increase in temperatures.

Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

The 'something unlawful or harmful' would be in their words 'lying and trying to lead people away from God'.

3 points

If it was a choice: are we all born bisexual and then choose to be either straight or gay? Why would anyone choose to be gay, anyway? There is no reason to. Gay people are discriminated against at varying levels around the world, from cyber-bullying to execution.

1 point

Any IB course at higher.

1 point

Started a bomb scare in my house. In my dream I was sure that I had somehow set my phone to explode, and was so worried about it that I sleepwalked.

"It's going to explode! Quick! We have to find it!"


1 point

That's what you get when you try to mix politics with science- corruption. If they abandoned their political/religious motives and talked it through on a purely scientific level, they would reach the same conclusion.

1 point

What about those who don't kill any, because spiders are the cutest thing in the world? It would be speciesism, anyway.

1 point

I guess you're taking this as a symbol of the inevitable destruction of your country.


1 point

Some of the pronunciation was off, like the umlauts were completely ignored. Schmetterling is a cute word, anyway. Germans really don't sound like that!

1 point

Standard battle cry: "Oh, okay".

1 point

As in any war, any side. The British pretty much invented the term concentration camp (Second Boer war). The Americans put many innocent citizens of their own country who just happened to have a japanese ancestry into concentration camps during the war, some of which were fashioned out of horse stables. (The hrses were killed to make room for the people) My point is that all sides in any war will commit atrocities. Using civilians to test out a nuclear bomb on though? That's taking too far too far.

1 point

With extra wasabi.

1 point

That's hilarious :)

1 point

As a Norman knight, duh. And maybe a PhD student?

Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

I was just stating that they're an ordinary pair of eyes. Nothing special.

1 point

And that's definitely way too much mascara.

1 point

They're a rather muddy colour.

1 point


They're only acting 'white' if they go ahead and do what Michael Jackson did. Race is nolonger aligned with any set way of acting.

Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

And you cannot argue with that.

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