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This personal waterfall shows you all of Elvira's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I guess you're taking this as a symbol of the inevitable destruction of your country.


1 point

Some of the pronunciation was off, like the umlauts were completely ignored. Schmetterling is a cute word, anyway. Germans really don't sound like that!

1 point

Standard battle cry: "Oh, okay".

1 point

As in any war, any side. The British pretty much invented the term concentration camp (Second Boer war). The Americans put many innocent citizens of their own country who just happened to have a japanese ancestry into concentration camps during the war, some of which were fashioned out of horse stables. (The hrses were killed to make room for the people) My point is that all sides in any war will commit atrocities. Using civilians to test out a nuclear bomb on though? That's taking too far too far.

1 point

With extra wasabi.

1 point

That's hilarious :)

1 point

As a Norman knight, duh. And maybe a PhD student?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I was just stating that they're an ordinary pair of eyes. Nothing special.

1 point

And that's definitely way too much mascara.

1 point

They're a rather muddy colour.

1 point


They're only acting 'white' if they go ahead and do what Michael Jackson did. Race is nolonger aligned with any set way of acting.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

And you cannot argue with that.

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