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Elvira's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Elvira's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Darkness rise

Howl of the wolf

The dank surprise

Her hand drifts through

Midnight waters, sing,

Imperfect, torn shapes

Of slime ridden debris

From the living, the beautiful

The imperfect, the mortal

Rend her fair skin

And maybe in this laughing lake

There are tears

Darkness rise

Song of the light

Her shining eyes

Like Shallot, cry,

She lets her boat drift on

And stares with that

Beautiful empty stare

At the moon and her daughters

Her eyes flicked shut

Over quick blue diamonds

And she danced with the stars

In her isolated mind

Darkness rise

Keen of the weak

Those everlasting cries

Her dark, curled hair

Brings out miniscule lines

Of red order, crossing her face

Her wealthy, pristine pallor

To match her lotus dress

Which fell around her thin body

In a chaotic, yet alluring way

Yet in her mind

She danced in black

Darkness rise

Silence of the wise

Millennia dead ring the wooden sides, bay,

Of her floating stronghold

Gracelessly, she descends

Perfect armies lay waste to silk

Of her torn dress

And the mirror rises to allow

Besieged yet beautiful, silent yet screaming

The rushed imprints slurred in the sand

Trace her infernal race

To rest in his arms

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

... that will not work.

Even if it did work... have you ever tried catching a fly?

Why not just use the easy, safe way that I always use?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Idiot. Spiders are fragile things, I might damage them. It's difficult to catch a spider with your hand. It's difficult to keep a spider in your hand.

1 point

You kill spiders? I always take them outside using a jar and business card.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Could be acting.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

If a bullet goes through their head, they won't.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

How do you see that in the dark, or when you are too busy fighting the second attacker?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Guns are surprisingly useless at times. I'd prefer a shield, hunting knife and arming spear- sharp ones would be nice. You only have six shots with a gun, and it is more difficult to tell if you've actually got a hit.

1 point

Like I have the right to walk down a Birmingham back-alley notorious for crime wearing a miniskirt and a crop top, while whistling loudly.

1 point

More like not-stupid.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I put non-money things like risk of being beaten up by angry Muslims in the equation.

1 point

If it burns, it burns. A cost-benefit analysis is the best way to answer this situation. Cost- 1 Qur'an, angry Muslims that might want to harm you. Benefit- warm hands, pretty fire.

Firewood is cheaper.

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