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Grugore(856) Clarified
1 point

That was easy. I hit him in the balls with the broom and ran away.

2 points

I used to work for the coroner's office. I got a call to pick up a stiff at a hotel. I show up and the body is on the bed, covered by a sheet. Only problem is that it had a hard on. Now I couldn't take it through the hotel lobby like that, so I went into the hallway and found the janitors closet and grabbed a broom. I went back into the room and gave it a good whack. That's when I discovered that I was in the wrong room.

1 point

I disagree. Some people are just plain deceitful. They do nothing but lie, in order to promote their godless agenda. Others are just plain stupid enough to insult anyone with a double digit IQ.

1 point

BWAHAHAHA! TOO FUNNY. It must really Suck to be you. So angry, not to mention delusional. You have completely lost all contact with reality. You poor fool. You are going to die angry, having never accomplished anything worthwhile, and you'll be blaming others for it with your dying breath.

2 points

I just love it when they claim that Trump's economy isnt doing well. We prove them wrong with the facts, then they claim that Obama deserves credit for an economy they just recently claimed sucks. It's called a logical disconnect. They truly don't realize that they just contradicted themselves. In fact, liberals are actually capable of simultaneously believing two contradictory positions. It's true. I've seen it with my own eyes.

1 point

Trump received more than one loan from his father. So what? When his father died, Trump did not owe his father any money. He paid it all back. I don't know why you people are making a big deal out these loans. After all, anyone can apply for a business loan. Is there a difference between the two? No. There is not. And Trump took loans of a few million dollars and turned them into billions of dollars. How did he do this? He did it with a lot of hard work. And then someone has the gall to claim Trump doesn't understand the working class. Hilarious.

1 point

Trump is a billionaire because he is a successful businessman. He EARNED that money. He actually worked hard for what he has. So you are completely wrong.

Grugore(856) Clarified
1 point

Bottom line. No one is able to do anything without an act of will. Where does this intent come from? Our bodies are made of chemicals. Human consciousness and self awareness cannot be explained by natural processes. Life, itself, cannot. Scientists can explain how the brain works, but they can't explain WHY it works. Science does not have the answers. They simply think they do. They deny a obvious Creator, whoever that may be. I believe that most people believe in evolution because they reject God, because of their sinful pride. That only leaves them with a naturalistic origin of life. No matter how absurd it is, they believe it, because the alternative is abhorrent to them. A living God that they must answer to.

1 point

NAILED IT! Just a bunch of man haters. Nothing more........

Grugore(856) Clarified
2 points

If you lose an arm or a leg, do you lose any consciousness? One could say that the brain contains your conscious self. One could also claim that the brain is merely the vehicle that your consciousness uses to interact with reality.

1 point

But they haven't been able to explain how it happened. All they have are guesses and made up stories.

1 point

Could it be because the theory is just plain wrong. Even many non Christian scientists disagree with it.

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