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This personal waterfall shows you all of Hellno's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

@Hellno2012 ;)

3 points

Well, Hitchens has been dead for five years so if he's bad mouthing a newly anointed saint, anointed after his death, then he might also want to rethink the whole atheism thang... just sayin'.

1 point

Russians are weird.

3 points

I can't wait to start playing the race card.

1 point

Well... I never make anyone unhappy so... I don't see that happening.

I just hope that some day YOU can make YOUR dad happy. Of course, I know you can't... your dick is even smaller than his.

1 point

A blowjob is known as oral sex dumbass... not that you know anything about any of it.

1 point

Too bad it isn't big enough to reach your mouth... that was your last chance at sex.

1 point

I hope a Snink Bug flies into your drooling open mouth while you sleep tonight. ;)

1 point

I wouldn't eat a spider or a frog unless I found it already dead and relatively undecayed.

And the you WOULD eat it? Your problems are even bigger than I thought.

1 point

Holy crap! You might become a liberal whacko nutjob too if you continue to live out there.

1 point

Last time I had Frog legs was a couple years ago in Chicago... it was an appetizer at a nice joint down town... near the magnificent mile. They're not that great really. I would much rather have some crab lags.

1 point

Don't really need to... the truth always hurts the most.

1 point

Well, maybe you've been on the Left Coast so long that you're forgetting your roots.

1 point

Uhhh... I think your west-coastishness is showing.

1 point

Yeah. I've eaten frog legs many times. So what? We would gig frogs in my back yard when I was younger. And we'd catch craw fish too and eat 'em too.

1 point

Well my Google must be set to parental controls because all I got was it's a big endangered frog?

1 point

Good point! Hell, you could probably even beat your own record for most virginy... and in fact I think you are, every day.

1 point

1. Not in person. (that I know of)

2. Yeah, but on this site one can never be too sure.

3. You, him or combined?

Yeah, you weren't talking to me but I like answering questions.

1 point

Meh? I've eaten his distant relatives many times so.... what the hell.

4 points

I heard your wife called you a pedophile... that's a pretty big word for a nine year old.

3 points

May the sole of my shoe be forever on your filthy mother's face.

2 points

Obsess over virgins much? You dirty little doggie you.

1 point

I know which one I'd assign to Slap Nuts. ;)

1 point

Hush those sweater puppies.

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