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This personal waterfall shows you all of Hellno's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

@Hellno2012 ;)

3 points

Well, Hitchens has been dead for five years so if he's bad mouthing a newly anointed saint, anointed after his death, then he might also want to rethink the whole atheism thang... just sayin'.

1 point

Russians are weird.

3 points

I can't wait to start playing the race card.

1 point

Well... I never make anyone unhappy so... I don't see that happening.

I just hope that some day YOU can make YOUR dad happy. Of course, I know you can't... your dick is even smaller than his.

1 point

A blowjob is known as oral sex dumbass... not that you know anything about any of it.

1 point

Too bad it isn't big enough to reach your mouth... that was your last chance at sex.

1 point

I hope a Snink Bug flies into your drooling open mouth while you sleep tonight. ;)

1 point

I wouldn't eat a spider or a frog unless I found it already dead and relatively undecayed.

And the you WOULD eat it? Your problems are even bigger than I thought.

1 point

Holy crap! You might become a liberal whacko nutjob too if you continue to live out there.

1 point

Last time I had Frog legs was a couple years ago in Chicago... it was an appetizer at a nice joint down town... near the magnificent mile. They're not that great really. I would much rather have some crab lags.

1 point

Don't really need to... the truth always hurts the most.

1 point

Well, maybe you've been on the Left Coast so long that you're forgetting your roots.

1 point

Uhhh... I think your west-coastishness is showing.

1 point

Yeah. I've eaten frog legs many times. So what? We would gig frogs in my back yard when I was younger. And we'd catch craw fish too and eat 'em too.

1 point

Well my Google must be set to parental controls because all I got was it's a big endangered frog?

1 point

Good point! Hell, you could probably even beat your own record for most virginy... and in fact I think you are, every day.

1 point

1. Not in person. (that I know of)

2. Yeah, but on this site one can never be too sure.

3. You, him or combined?

Yeah, you weren't talking to me but I like answering questions.

1 point

Meh? I've eaten his distant relatives many times so.... what the hell.

4 points

I heard your wife called you a pedophile... that's a pretty big word for a nine year old.

3 points

May the sole of my shoe be forever on your filthy mother's face.

2 points

Obsess over virgins much? You dirty little doggie you.

1 point

I know which one I'd assign to Slap Nuts. ;)

1 point

Hush those sweater puppies.

1 point

Don't flap your baps.

2 points

Restical your chesticals.

1 point

Cool your cans.

1 point

Hush your hooters.

1 point

Mediate your melons.

1 point

Get those knockers off their rockers.

1 point

Well, this brings point whoring to a whole new level. .

4 points

I guess I'd be on this side since he told me stay away from him... of course he also said he was only going to say it once, and he's already said it twice. LOL

1 point

You still think Slappy is real? Good grief.

3 points

The Holly Trinity? What's that? Three bushes living as one?

1 point

Not playing beer pong without beer! That's for sure.

2 points

Oh my god! I forgot what he used to look like! Well, at least his lips are still purple.

1 point

Or just drop a big bomb on em.... we did it in Japan.... twice.

1 point

Or we could just send ISIS to the Moon?

1 point

I have Vudu. ;)

2 points

Uhhhh.... no. Who would cut our hair or decorate our homes?

2 points

Uhhhh..... that's definitely not Guantanamo Bay.... just sayin'.

4 points

Well this sucks! Fire up the coal plants!

2 points

Meh, this video was a waste my time.

2 points

Jesusiage! Like.. " hey baby, will you Jesusisy me?

3 points

I figure it will take him about a month to catch up to me, and about three to catch up to Joe. ;)

Maybe he thinks he can trade in the points for a toaster or something? Pshht! Good luck with that, I'm still waiting on that last batch of t-shirts that's still sitting in Andy's garage. lol

1 point

I don't even remember what an Olinguito is ?

1 point

Merry Christmas Bitches!

1 point

Look at me.... I don't think I'm qualified to give any beauty tips.

1 point

I do it all the time.... of course I'm not exactly self respecting so you might be right.

1 point

We own her ass... that would be an act of war.

1 point

Well, excuuuuuuuse me.

1 point

I was recently told of an African tribe that does the most beautiful thing.


When someone does something hurtful and wrong, they take the person to the center of town

Seriously? That's the center of town??? LOL

and the entire tribe comes

An entire tribe of... four people?

For two days they’ll tell the man every good thing he has ever done.

Well he's probably dead already after two days.

The tribe believes that every human being comes into the world as Good, each of us desiring safety, love, peace, happiness.


But sometimes in the pursuit of those things people make mistakes. The community sees misdeeds as a cry for help.

Now this is just getting boring.

1 point

I'm a dick... I know that. There's no need for me to read that which I already know.

1 point

Oh! You've been around a long time alright.

1 point

True but what are we talking about now...? ;)

Anywho, the audio was different in my video. Echo was a sarcastic bitch. I think that fits better in today's society.

1 point

No, you're trolling me. ;)

1 point

Uhhhh.... obviously you didn't watch it. ;)

1 point

Meh.... Now this Echo is more like it. ;)

1 point

It's a dump so I don't know why everyone's always fighting over it?

1 point

Huh... ?

1 point

Well, Tim Cook came out as gay so... he's tying to keep things fresh. But of course Microsoft's CEO will come out next year some time.

2 points

He wishes.... if ya know what I mean. ;)

1 point

Liquor before beer, never fear

Beer before liquor, never sicker

2 points

It doesn't really seem like Nancy's style.... but then again, some of those conservative women can get kinda freaky.

1 point

Well, there's plenty of leaders of political parties, gangs, terrorist groups etc that are living in prison so.... yeah, just sayin'.

1 point

Ummmm.... that or you could slide down a thousand foot razor blade. 😉

1 point

Not all Americans are neanderthals like you think. I've traveled around the world quite a bit. (Although I haven't been to Australia)

2 points

Dear God! Watch out ladies... Thewayitis is on Is that the profile picture you're using on there?

1 point

I think I offended someone earlier.... maybe things are getting back to normal around here.

1 point

Also, Australians are weird but their trains are very clean.

1 point

I'd ask to get off that train. Fo sho

1 point

You shouldn't have posted this, it was meant to stay in Vegas.

1 point

Now that's talent! 😉

1 point

Well that's no fun. 😡

1 point

Jesus Christ! I posted this over 15 hours ago.... I thought for sure it would offend someone? What has this site come to when I can't offend someone?

1 point

No, I understand that... I just think his obsession with her was pretty ridiculous. It's his own fault for letting her get to him.

(I replaced Sitara's down-vote)

2 points

Uhhhhhh, Atrag is the one who left, Dana is still here so by any nornal standard, Dana cleaned up the floor with him, just sayin'.

1 point

San Francisco... Kill the queers!

3 points

You don't know very much about this site, do you?

1 point

I don't deal in facts punk!

1 point

It's cold as fuck in Finland. All cold as fuck countries have better stats.... duh.

1 point

Wait! Does Oprah have Parkinson's now? That's just mean Joe.

1 point

Why does the link take me to the CD home page? I don't get it?

1 point

I think being on the ISS would be worse. Just sayin'.

1 point

Be careful.... slippery slope. If a hot dog and bun is a sandwich then what's next? A gyro?

1 point

The same can be said about whores.

1 point

well that's pretty much all the time at least ever since I joined this site

2 points

No, I made that up.... bUT maybe I'll start it up.... and it won't be fantastic it will be fabulous!

1 point

that doesn't count. I have an account on every site on the internet but I don't use that s* .still if you have an account on then you're probably gay just saying.

1 point

I need to start working on my googly eyed hill-dog zombie pot smoking bitch pic soon....

1 point

Give Andy $10 to change my name to Hillno.

1 point

It was suicidal. .

1 point

Is that a metaphor for something?

1 point

Theyre a national treasure Dammit! !

2 points

It looks like all of France could be sucked into dat ass.

1 point

You lost me at number 1.😉

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