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Yup. Nope.
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:27
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 Yup. (14)
 Nope. (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

If there was a book of all the bad things people have said about you, would you read it?


Some people are driven to learn and improve themselves.

Others may wish to remain in ignorant bliss.

Others would read it in memory of the lols.

Others still are masochists.

And finally, there are those who would use that list to make another list, like a list specifying the order in which to kill those people.

Did I miss anyone?  Which one are you?


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 11

Sure, why not? Opinions are opinions. Doesn't really matter what people think about you. As long as you are comfortable with who you are. the mistakes we make in life make us who we are today. Everyone makes them. Even the judgemental pricks. :-)

Side: Yup.
1 point

Mhm. It would be easier than trying to read people's minds. I almost always end up transferring my thoughts into their head instead, which is awkward, but its mostly awkward for them . " WTF Nigga? I swear I just heard your voice, but your lips weren't moving. O.o"

Side: Yup.
ProLogos(2794) Clarified
1 point

I'd like to know because people tend to pretend that they like someone, just to avoid being rude.

I'd rather just know what they're really thinking, so I don't end up wasting my time with them.

People also tend to create false reasons for why I'm behaving a particular way. I want to know this, so that I can correct them and so they'll stop acting so damn awkward around me.

Why are people so afraid to just ask me? >.<

Oh, right...cuz I have "resting murder face".

Side: Yup.
1 point

My own personal burn book, that's so fetch!

Side: Yup.

Brilliant idea. I'd test the list to see how many of those people were right. Then, I'd change myself around that to get rid of my flaws. First "some people" case in your description was brilliant. And you can cross out everything that turns out to be wrong.

All you have to do is test everything in the book. Like in your spare time over the summer. Or even just the majorly important things, and you'll become a better person.

Love it.

Side: Yup.

I once thought I was wrong but it turned out I was mistaken ;)

Side: Yup.
ghostheadX(1105) Clarified
1 point

You thought you were wrong about it working, or whether or not it would work for you? Either way I think you were wrong, because I believe personality traits can be changed a lot quicker.

I say "I believe" because I have no evidence, but that's my experience with life.

Side: Yup.

I would read it to have a giggle at how pathetic the insults of the chavs at my school are.

Side: Yup.
Imperfiect(44) Disputed
1 point

You are literally insulting them... How does this make you any better?

Side: Nope.
1 point

Because I'm not insulting them over pathetic bitchy things or using shallow, superficial and ignorant insults. I'm only insulting them because they insult me. I don't have to justify this to you as you don't understand the circumstances of why they deserve to be insulted. I'm not going to be sweet and lovely to them if they're rude to me am I? It's natural to insult those who insult you.

Side: Yup.
1 point

I would definitely read it. Then I could change myself according some of the repeated things said about me. This would make me a better person, I would have better relationships with my peers and an overall better experience in life.

Side: Yup.
1 point

I would read it because then I can see what it look like to the rest of the world. I would be sad, yes, but maybe they have a point in there. If it's something serious, then I could talk it out with them. Of course, "it doesn't matter what people think of you," but there could possibly be a chance of self improvement in there. Just remember, don't change just because others don't think of you as perfect.

Side: Yup.
1 point

I would eventually read it in hopes that my current position shows that they are all wrong for bashing me that way. I would love to prove judgmental, hateful people in the long run.

Side: Yup.

I'm too old to change. And even if I could, I have one foot in the grave so what would be the point? Life is too short to focus on negative stuff; unless you plan to poke fun at it. ;)

Side: Nope.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

If I were to change, I would piss of a different set of people. You can't please everyone. I may read it for the lols. ;)

Side: Yup.
1 point

As you get older, you are going to find that you no longer care what people say or think about you.

Side: Nope.

I'm already there ;)

Side: Nope.

I'm aware of those things in which I did and said, I did and said them after all.

At this age I'm unwilling to change and frankly I really don't care what people think of me.

"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!" Theodore Roosevelt

Side: Nope.
1 point

People are always going to talk, and they will always have something negative to say.

If that book existed, it'd have more chapters and or verses than the bible, and more sequels than Harry Potter.

Reading it would most likely do nothing constructive, lead to my own self worth and self esteem being degraded some, and if I did decide to make a change based one what was said in the book, I would no longer be myself, I'd just be conforming to others' opinions of me. Which of course would elicit book two, as people vent their disgust for how I've changed.

You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time... So why bother.

Side: Nope.
1 point

If I don't see it, I control my vision of what people think of me and can maintain my confidence. If I see it, I open myself up to be crushed and suicidal.

Side: Nope.

No, I really don't feel like reading a book like that. I would probably be hurt by what the people would have said about me. People can be vicious.

Side: Nope.
Sportyfun1(84) Disputed
1 point

Yeah, but if you keep your eyes on what's REALLY important, the things people say won't bother you too much. AND, you would see what they really think of you and which things to change about yourself. Changing isn't getting a haircut or stuff like that, it's about being more open to ideas or to stop interrupting.

Side: Yup.
1 point

They would bother me by a ton. I wouldn't let go for a while. That's just me. I wouldn't be able to read a few sentences. All I can imagine is "That girl is stupid". That's the most I will get.

Side: Nope.
1 point

I'm a dick... I know that. There's no need for me to read that which I already know.

Side: Nope.