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RSS Vheah

Reward Points:22
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5 most recent arguments.
vheah(22) Clarified
1 point

Losing your job and losing your friends is a stretch. I can see the independence, monetary issues, and health problems arising. But losing a job? I don't think so. Yes, it is a given that going back to work with a child will be difficult, but I've seen women able to manage it and find jobs. Finding work has a lot to do with how determined you are no matter what situation you're in. It's just like finding a solution to a problem. You can sit down and sulk about your problems or actually fix it no matter how hard it can get. Same with work. You can sit down and be lazy and never have the heart to find work or actually look for something even though it's not the easiest thing to do.

Losing friends on the other hand because you got pregnant? that depends on the situation. If you messed around with your female friend's man and got pregnant, then hell yeah, you're losing that girl as your friend. But if you get pregnant without involving anything that will ruin ties with people and you lose your friends, then those aren't real friends. I think by the time that happens, that person should rethink what kind of friends she should be having.

vheah(22) Clarified
1 point

I'm sorry. I was trying to make clear what you were trying to say to that other person.

vheah(22) Clarified
1 point

I think what he is referring to is the fact that there are so much more worse things that can bring out the worst in people and name-calling is just not what brings out the worst in a lot of people. Sure name-calling is not a good thing to do at all but it's not really the worst act humans have committed in this earth either.

1 point

I don't think so. There are other things in our lives that can trigger us so much more than a debated topic that we have a side on.

1 point

I would eventually read it in hopes that my current position shows that they are all wrong for bashing me that way. I would love to prove judgmental, hateful people in the long run.

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Biographical Information
Name: Vanessa 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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