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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jace's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

well, if that's the motivation why stop at guns use nukes

edit: lmao just saw the date stamp is 10 years ago. most belated quip ive ever made.

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

in defense of ur rep, hummingbirds are better than humans

1 point

lmao yeah c that there makes sense. fucking suppressors, man. still not over how stupid that it. also sweet turnips 10k is more than id pay for a gun. unless id crossed a load of other shit on my want list off first.

1 point

lmao who would want this even the whole point is ostenation

1 point

in that respect you do more than most here.

i either vaguely recall the music box, or ive just heard about it and think i experienced it.

im trying to imagine what shenanigans u got into with the images in arguments that got that capacity removed. :P

the story this crew would right if they wrote it together would be... so delightfully confused and strange. that's a shame it didn't take.

there's at least one person with a gif avatar. unless they're grandfathered in it's possible somehow?

ah, point hoarding. the human brain is so funny. the way it craves pointses.

1 point

ur starking raving sensible, joe. tone indicators might make us more understandable to others. can you imagine the toll that would take on the drama. tsk.

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

that's fine. chili beans are more interesting than most people. humans are wildly overrated.

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

of being inappropriately silly or forgetting its effects on other people? :P

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

never underestimate how frightening contextually inappropriate silly can be.

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

true. silly is a good look tho imo. :P

1 point

i don't think frank cares much for ammo.

1 point

video quality is unfortunate. audible reactions only underscore what we're missing.

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