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JalenSmith's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JalenSmith's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"It does get taken too far sometimes" so why are you giving these people who take it took far a thing to use for their own good? It should be done away with completely.

1 point

Read fahrenheit 451. I know most Americans don't read, rather watch TellALieVision Television

1 point

When we stop arming, funding, and making more terrorists due to blowback of bombing innocent kids, families, ect then there wouldn't be nearly as many "Terrorists" as there are today. People ALWAYS looking for a CURE but not for the CAUSE. How to terrorists a threat to us? We have a the 2nd amendment. Truth is they are NOT a threat and nothing but a boogeyman so we can destabilize the middle east and try to justify more military spending for the war profiteers!

1 point

internet is about information and freedom. And the spreading of ideas and knowledge.

2 points

No. And the statistics they use are FAKE and proven fake.

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