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Yup. Nope.
Debate Score:38
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 Nope. (18)

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jolie(9809) pic

Is American culture a Rape Culture?


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 24
2 points

American media, film industry and society in general is spreading sex, nudity, Alcohol, gambling, fashion, racism etc. which results in more rape cases and you can say American culture is a rape culture.

Side: Yup.
1 point

Not necessarily a rape culture in itself, however, as rape is a part of a culture of violence then the answer is yes.

This is credited to the site. Violence : The American way of life

" The United States of America was conceived and nurtured by violence.

Americans not only engage in violence, they are entertained by it."

Side: Yup.
2 points

Can you name a culture that hasn't engaged in violence?

Side: Yup.
SgtBarnes(34) Disputed
1 point

Thank you, Mr. ISIS. Why can't American culture be as the peace-loving culture of the Middle East and Africa. We would be so much better off with a culture that accepts women being whipped in the streets for a minor dress code infraction or necklacing or just being hacked to death over tribal disputes. Yes, we should become like them, America is too violent a nation. Just ask the people in Chicago, South Central L.A., Oakland, St. Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans, etc. They'll tell ya.

Side: Nope.
1 point

America is less and less violent every year. Our gun related violent crimes are half of what they were about 30 years ago.

And I say that as a person of South Chicago (Chiraq, as people call it). You shouldn't believe everything you hear on the news :P

Side: Yup.
1 point

i dont know if i would call it a rape culture,but i would say its very much a sex promoting culture.

Side: Yup.
1 point

Yes. There are more men raped in prisons than in women at liberty.

Side: Yup.
2 points

Nope, but then I guess it would depend on who you'd ask... There's some of whom your question might hit a real nirv(d)ana :))

Rape Me Strawman Fallacy
Side: Nope.
2 points

I'm trolling to see what i can catch.

Side: Nope.
2 points

Well just be careful, that can either be very a-lure-ing or reel-y dangerous! :))

Side: Nope.
2 points

There are pockets of rape culture in America, all in urban areas infested with progressives.

If there is a country with a manifest rape culture it's India.

Side: Nope.
1 point

Please, explain linking rape culture with "progressives".

Side: Yup.
WalterWhite(65) Disputed
1 point

The progressives' plan is to tear down civilisation and culture to have a reason to "come to the rescue". Their plan already works quite nicely in urban areas where crime and mayhem is rampant.

Side: Nope.
2 points

No. And the statistics they use are FAKE and proven fake.

Side: Nope.
1 point

Rape culture? Really?

Side: Nope.
1 point

This question would have more credibility if you had provided some verifiable global statistics. ( the video link was inaccessible, well at least it was for me.) The United Stares is an open society in which all forms of crime are reported and in the 'public domain' for anyone to scrutinize. This isn't the case in most Asian countries such as India and Pakistan where rape and violence against females is a congenital part of their culture. No one knows what is happening in countries such as Russia whose ''tin curtain'' regime denies the free flow of information. Another interesting statistic would be the ethnic background from which most rapists originate. In the U.K, 90% of rape and violent crime originates from the blacks, even though they only form 10% of the population. After that, Asians, particularly the Pakistanis, are responsible for most cases of rape and paedophilia.

Side: Nope.
1 point

It's a lousy statistic and unprovable. It's just a bunch of yada yada yada.

Side: Nope.
1 point

I only know two American slang words. Lousy and swell. I think swell is lousy but lousy is swell. Sort of confusing isn't it.

Side: Nope.